13 Celebrities Who Married Relatives, From Charles Darwin to Kevin Bacon

Susan Juvile
1 min readApr 13, 2018


In many cultures around the world, it is frowned upon to marry your cousin (and in some countries even illegal), but that hasn’t stopped people throughout history from doing it.

From presidents like Martin Van Buren and John Adams to royals like Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, historical figures have often engaged in this practice. But there are even a few more modern examples (and some legendary ones) where couples have opted to wed within their own familial bloodlines. Maybe your own family tree has a few kissing cousins on its branches.

Apparently, “most white people are related,” according to Kevin Bacon’s wife Kyra Sedgwick. The Hollywood couple recently learned that they’re distant cousins on PBS’s “Finding Your Roots.” This got us wondering if any other celebrity duos have shared heritage.

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