Getting Started with AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Free Tier Account

Sukesh Anchan
3 min readAug 27, 2023


Ready to harness the power of AWS? This comprehensive guide will take you through the seamless process of creating your own AWS Free Tier account. Whether you’re a student, tech enthusiast, a startup founder, or a business looking to leverage cloud resources, this step-by-step tutorial ensures you begin your cloud journey on the right foot. Learn how to navigate the AWS account setup, explore the array of free services on offer, and gain insights into managing your resources efficiently.

Step 1: Visit the official website

Open your web browser and go to the official AWS website:

Step 2: Sign Up

Click on the “Create an AWS Account” button at the top right.

Enter the email id and AWS account name of your choice as seen below.

Click on Verify email address to receive the verification code.

Enter the valid verification code to proceed.

Step 3: Create a strong password

Enter a password under Root user password field and confirm by re-entering.

Step 4: Provide a contact information

Select “Personal” for students and for individuals.

Fill rest of the information such as Full name, county code, address, city and postal code.

Step 5: Enter the billing information

Use valid credit or debit card for completing billing information

Note: AWS deduct INR 2 for verification and refunds later.

Enter the otp to complete the billing information

Step 6: Confirm your identity

This would require valid mobile number by confirming the identity either by text message or voice call.

Select the appropriate option for “Primary purpose of account registration”

Step 7: Select a support plan

Select a plan“basic support free” and hit on “complete sign up” (whichever appropriate)

Congratulation! you’re all set to start the Cloud journey.

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Sukesh Anchan

Architect | Expert IT Consultant & Corporate Trainer in AWS, Devops & Kubernetes. | Technology evangelist.