Understanding Data Warehouse, Data Lake, and Data Lake House

Sukhmanpreet Kaur
4 min readJul 29, 2023


In the fast-paced world of data management, terms like “Data Warehouse,” “Data Lake,” and “Data Lake House” are becoming increasingly important. Surprisingly, I have seen people who have been working in data industry for more than 3 years and still they don’t know about these terms. If you’re eager to grasp the fundamentals of these terms without getting lost in technical jargon, this article is the perfect guide for you.

Imagine a brand that operates retail shops across 10 countries worldwide, generating a vast amount of data on a daily basis. The challenge arises when the company attempts to analyze this data to gain valuable insights into its sales and profits over the course of a year. With data scattered across various platforms, the task becomes daunting and inefficient.

To overcome this data management hurdle, the company can adopt a powerful solution known as a “Data Warehouse.” A Data Warehouse serves as a centralized place, where data from multiple sources and platforms is gathered and managed in one place. This aggregation process is known as “Data Warehousing.”

Data Warehousing(https://cdn.corporatefinanceinstitute.com/assets/data-warehousing1-1024x505.png)

Once the company establishes a Data Warehouse, the data becomes readily accessible and organized, making it easier to perform analysis and draw insights from it. This centralized approach empowers the company to make data-driven decisions with greater speed and accuracy, leading to enhanced business performance and growth.

Now imagine the company is growing its business. It becomes obvious that the data generated will not remain just ‘Data’, it will now become ‘Big Data’. Lets complicate the situation more. What if the data generated is unstructured or semi structured? Just to tell you Data Warehouse only supports structural data. Also, as the data grows it struggles with velocity and take too long to process the data. This is where the concept of data lake comes into picture. Data Lakes are capable of storing structured, unstructured and semi structured data together. Moreover, Data Lake turns out to be way more cheaper than any other database.

Data Lake(https://www.tibco.com/sites/tibco/files/media_entity/2022-04/data-lake-ex.svg)

Buut data security and data governance are critical concerns when it comes to managing a Data Lake. While Data Lakes offer flexibility and scalability in handling vast amounts of data, they also introduce specific challenges related to data security and governance.

Imagine the brand we discussed earlier. As they continue to grow, they realize the need for a more powerful and comprehensive data solution. They want the best of both worlds — the centralized storage and organization of a Data Warehouse, along with the ability to handle Big Data and diverse data types, just like a Data Lake.

This is where the idea of a “Data Lake House” comes into play. A Data Lake House combines the strengths of both a Data Warehouse and a Data Lake, creating a unified platform for data storage, processing, and analysis. With a Data Lake House, the brand can gather all their data in one place, just like in a Data Warehouse. However, unlike traditional Data Warehouses, a Data Lake House is more flexible. It can handle all types of data, whether structured, unstructured, or semi-structured, similar to a Data Lake.

Data Lake House(https://www.oracle.com/a/ocom/img/rc24-data-lakehouse.jpg)

Another advantage is that a Data Lake House allows for near real-time data analysis. This means the brand can get valuable insights faster, helping them make quicker and smarter business decisions.

Moreover, a Data Lake House also makes data governance easier. Data is organized and structured when it’s collected, making it more manageable and compliant with rules and regulations.

In summary, a Data Lake House is like a fusion of a Data Warehouse and a Data Lake. It offers a centralized and organized storage platform, while still being able to handle Big Data and diverse data types. This innovative approach empowers the brand to gain valuable insights faster, improve decision-making, and maintain better data governance practices.

As businesses continue to harness the power of data to drive their growth and success, adopting the right data management strategies becomes imperative. Whether it’s centralizing and organizing data in a Data Warehouse, embracing the flexibility of a Data Lake, or achieving the best of both worlds with a Data Lake House, each approach plays a vital role in unlocking the true potential of data.

As professionals in the data industry, staying informed about these concepts will empower us to make more informed decisions, gain valuable insights, and respond effectively to the ever-changing demands of our data-driven world. With the knowledge gained from this article, we are better equipped to navigate the data landscape and leverage its possibilities to fuel innovation, enhance business performance, and embark on a successful journey in the fascinating realm of data management.

