It’s Time to Remember

Susie Guran
Oct 12, 2017


Before you came tumbling into the glaring light
You set forth your desires as the path that you would follow
And left tiny beacons along the way.
You agreed to ride your imagination
For the becoming of you.

But someone must have told you not to be a dreamer
And you believed them
Because you forgot
that dreaming and imagination are your guides, set upon your desires.

These are not the desires that grunt and grind and steal.
These are the desires that expand your heart and have you reaching into the clouds on a steed of light.

Those dreams you dream,
However grand they seem,
They inform your destiny.
Snip the ties that hold them back.
Feel the wings fluttering in your heart.

Breathe and set your feet upon the path.
Release the fear that clouds your eyes so you can see the flecks of luck and love that you have set before yourself.

Breathe and catch the sparkles with your mind.
Follow your fascination.
Thank the stars for heading you off, again and again, at every oblivious turn.



Susie Guran

In humble service to the words that flow through me and those who wish to read them.