Women Right’s

4 min readOct 8, 2020



Women rights are the entitlements and rights claimed for women and girls world wide and they formed basis for the Women’s right Movement in 19th century and Feminist Movement in 20th century.

“About half of our population is of women ,so , democratically speaking, they deserve all the rights and importance in society, which can help them to perform roles"

In some countries these rights are supported and guarded by the law ,local custom and behaviour, whereas in others , they are hindered and ignored.

In my opinion women’s should have the freedom or rights

  • To live life from sexual violence
  • To live life as pleases to them
  • To have equal rights in family law
  • To work
  • To own property
  • To get education
  • To enter into legal contract
  • To hold public office
  • To vote
  • To speak etc…..

Sexual Abuse and Exploitation:

Sexual abuse is to force some person intended to make them carry sexual behaviour against their will.Sexual Abuse may be

  • Physical
  • Psychological

Sexual Abuse either physical or psychological leads to

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases
  2. Unwanted pregnancies
  3. Psychological damage
  4. Depression
  5. Suicide
  6. Drug and Alcohol abuse

About 80-90% abusers are men and womens are usually the victims or sufferers.

According to the institution of institute international des Droits de I’Enfant [international institute for children’s right]”one in five women and one in two men have been the victims of sexual Abuse"

Girls double victims of discrimination:

Girls are the first who suffer from double discrimination. Like;

  • Girls under 5 suffer 3 times more from malnutrition than boys of same age .
  • Pregnancy is the main cause of death in girls during age 15-19 years.
  • 50% of sexual assaults comprises of girls under 16.
  • 25000 girls become victim of forced marriage every day.

Right to education:

Usually most of the people have beliefs that the girl doesn’t need or deserve education. Or either they think that there is no need to educate women as she has to done only home chores .

But this is not at all true .A women is a builder of a race .She has to be fully awared in order to comfort his husband ,his family to guard her children especially girls and do tell them to become a responsible and productive person.

But unfortunately 96million womens are now illiterate as compared to 57 million of boys due to not attending schools or uneducated. https://www.humanium.org/en/girls-rights/

History of women’s right :

Thomas paine wrote in an occasional letter on the female sex 1775 where he state (as a quote) :

“If we take a survey of ages and of countries, we shall found the women, almost without exception…adored and oppressed. They are robbed of freedom of will by the laws…yet such ,l am sorry to say is the lot of women over the whole earth. Man with regard to them,has been either an insensible husband or an oppressor”

  • On the other hand other philosopher has his own point of we for example he thought that it is the order of nature for women to obey men . He also wrote that “women do wrong to complain inequality of man-made laws" and claimed that “when she tries to usurp our rights, she Is our inferior. ”
  • Minna Canth (1844-1897)a Finnish and social activist, was one of the most significant European feminists and advocates of women’s rights .


  • According to the data by Ipsos,the most difficult issue facing women and girls in UK is equal pay, 29% of respondents claim that this is an important issue .https://www.statista.com/statistics/1091014/poland-opinion-on-factors-determining-equality-of-women/
  • 21% of men and women respondents named domestic abuse the most important issue of female population of country.
  • According to a survey conducted by Ipsos on the factors hindering women from achieving equality with men in india, 22% respondents felt that the lack of financial independence is the key factor.
  • 13% of respondents according to Ipsos felt that government failed to promote women’s equality.
  • According to survey conducted by Ipsos following are the factors for hindrance of Women Right’s:


Following are some suggestions to guard women’s rights;

  1. According to Ipsos, 70% people in Great Britain thought that employers paying men and women equal would have a positive impact on gender inequality.
  2. According to Ipsos, 12% view financial independence as a key factor to help in women equality.
  3. So government should make strict laws for women’s rights in order to guard women .
  4. Government should pay equal pay to both gender ,so, women’s should be financially independent.
  5. They should make strict laws in regard of sexual abuse and domestic violence.
  6. Women should be properly equipped with education.
  7. They should be allowed to live their life according to their will.

