Writing Your Very First Code- Let’s Byte it Down *Pun very much intended*

Sumaita Binte Shorif
3 min readSep 4, 2020
I literally turned myself into a meme for this so please laugh away *even if you don’t find it funny*

Whenever people are subjected to the word “coding” or “programming”, consciously or subconsciously most people naturally assume that it must be some high-tech venture related to hacking as we see in the movies and pop culture. In all honesty, although coding may sound intimidating at first, it really isn’t as grueling as it sounds.

Before writing your first code, it is essential to figure out the true purpose of coding to enable yourself to walk towards the right direction as to what programming language would be the best for you so that you don’t end up wasting your valuable time on learning unnecessary syntax and conducting tiresome research that would be futile for you in the long run. Whether you are someone who is willing to dive into the world of competitive programming or someone who intends on building cool software applications or just someone who wants to learn coding with the sole purpose of impressing his/her friends at school, you should know that you have plenty of programming languages to choose from some of which are: C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Kotlin and many more.

When it comes to competitive programming, C++ is an excellent option. You can start to code in C++ by first downloading an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for C, C++ like Codeblocks. Once you are done setting up your IDE, you can start writing your code by including the necessary header files, functions, and of course, the main function within which you are to write down the necessary commands. The languages C and C++ are like brothers. C is a Structured Programming Language while C++ is an Object-Oriented One. Frankly speaking, learning to code in C before moving to C++ will help you get a better grip on the fundamentals of coding and understand the logic behind structures. So it is quite a wise idea to learn to code in C first and then move on to learning how to code in C++ if you’re an absolute beginner. Also, don’t forget to save your code with the extension “.cpp” when you’re saving your program as a C++ program.

Code written in C++ using Codeblocks as an IDE to take two integer numbers as input and print the sum of those two numbers as output.

Once you’re done writing your code, you have to “build” it which is basically a fancy word for compiling the program you have just written. If it gets built without any error messages showing up, you must understand that you have successfully written and compiled your very first code and you deserve a pat on the back for your accomplishment. Next, you have to run your program and voilà! You now have a well written and compiled code that’s running propitiously.

Running the code which takes two integer numbers as input and prints the sum of those two numbers as output.

When it comes to augmenting your coding skills, regular and consistent practice is the key which leaves us with the question- where do I find coding related problems to solve on a regular basis? The answer is, there are various websites and online judges related to challenging and helping you to enhance your coding skills in whatever language you prefer. Below are the examples of a few of those useful websites where you can find a lot of programming problems to solve.

· https://www.hackerrank.com

· https://www.urionlinejudge.com.br/judge/en/categories

· https://toph.co/

These websites will enable you to find and solve problems according to your skills and interest.

In conclusion, coding is fun and will definitely take you to places if you are enthusiastic enough and determined to be patient along the journey of developing your coding skills to become the coder you wish to be. Remember, if you want to become an exceptionally skilled coder, you must focus on the three P’s (Patience, Practice and Perseverance). Try focusing on being able to interpret every coding related problem you come across by clarifying the logic behind each of those problems and in this way coding will become a child’s play for you.



Sumaita Binte Shorif

Digital Artist | Competitive Programming and Tech enthusiast with a passion for Creative Writing