Important Tips to Learn Laravel Most Effectively

Usha Paul
2 min readJun 23, 2019


There is no wonder that when it comes to web development, then learning PHP development and especially learning the Laravel framework is very useful indeed. Because Laravel is one of the best PHP framework.

This is why as a young aspiring web developer you must strive at learning Laravel more effectively which would help you enhance your value in the job market. The following are some important tips which would help your cause:

Learn PHP, OOP, Terminal, and Composer to Begin with

It is possible that you might directly plan to learn Laravel upfront without knowing about PHP. This could be a blunder. To begin learning any modern PHP framework (Laravel, Symfony, or others), you need to have a good knowledge of PHP. In general, it is best that create at least one simple project with plain PHP without any framework. Thereafter you would then have a better understanding of PHP which will allow you to use the Laravel internal functions more efficiently.

Start Writing along with Reading

You need to note that it is impossible to learn any programming without writing code. So try not to spend too much time reading books or watching videos; Instead, you must start coding as early as you can. In fact, it is advisable that after finishing every lesson or section, immediately try it in practice.

In fact, it’s best that you try and create a test project during the course of learning. This is what would make the process not only more realistic but more motivating. You need to realize that unless there are a proper goal and outcome in mind, it’s emotionally hard to continue learning the theory. And, if you only write code, you will bump into hurdles. In the process, you would have questions to ask. By having problems and overcoming them, you evolve as a developer and increase your knowledge.

Finding the Right Laravel Training Institute and Mentor

It is true that in the age when almost all information is available on the internet you could also start learning Laravel on it. Yet learning it directly from your mentor at the right Laravel training institute with a comprehensive Laravel Course Curriculum is what is absolutely unmatched. Though extra learning over some useful tools is great the main learning has to come from the right Laravel Training course. If you are based in Kolkata and looking for the best Laravel Framework Training Institute in Kolkata then undoubtedly PHP Kolkata is one of the leaders in the field. To know more about their Laravel framework course please contact them!!

