3 Ultimate Ways To Get Eyes On Your Content

These 3 factors can turn the tables around 👀

Suman Rajpurohit
4 min readJun 20, 2024
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Attention is the new oil of this digital era.

From videos, and infographics to writing, there are all possible ways to grab attention.

Once you manage to get a little of it, you will find out more ways to leverage it.

Struggling to get eyes on your content?

Here’s how to get eyeballs to your content


1. Grabbing attention

  1. Keywords
  2. Analytics
  3. SEO

These are advanced ways to track what works in the market.

But if you don’t know much about this and still want to capture your reader’s attention, then you need to excel in these three areas—

  1. Headline
  2. Subheadline
  3. Introduction

These three factors are very crucial to get a reader.

Headline is the gateway to your content.

If it is dull, uninteresting & doesn’t show any benefit, the reader won’t make an effort to read it.

Because if you can’t get a reader to click on your article, how do you expect them to read?

Use —

  • Specific number
  • How to/ How I
  • Specificity

Content that lets the reader know ‘what is in it for me.’

Once your headline has done its job, there comes the role of the subheadline.

  1. Make it short and simple
  2. Gives a sneak peek into the article
  3. Sets the tone of the article.

Now that you convinced your reader, it’s the introduction’s time to get them to read the whole post.

Make a —

  1. Unique statement
  2. State a fact/ unbelievable stuff
  3. Start with a quote

The motive is to capture reader’s minds and make them stay.

Create content optimised for your reader, not for your convenience.

Once you strike a chord with readers’ minds your content will —

  • Perform well
  • Get engagement
  • Go viral & get followers

2. Keeping attention

Now that you’ve got the attention, it’s time to keep it intact.

Getting attention is easy but keeping it requires practice & patience.

Because no one wants to waste time reading boring content that doesn’t —





Keep it clear, what is the motive of your writing?

Once you know it well, stay true to it.

Don’t promise one thing & present another thing.

For that, you need to nail these 3 areas —

  • Body
  • Article
  • Main message

The body is the main part of your writing.

It has all the gold.

Your learning, your advice and your secret have all.

Make sure to write it in a way that keeps the reader glued.

  1. Use stories
  2. Hung question
  3. Curiosity quotient

To keep your reader’s attention.

This body will decide whether the reader will come back asking for more or not.

Keep it visually appealing too by using —

  1. Bullets/ lists
  2. Enough whitespace
  3. Varying sentence length

Put yourself in your readers’ shoes & make the necessary changes.

Once you write to make it easy for your reader, you’ll never beg for attention.

3. Turning attention into action

Now that you’ve won a reader, it’s time to turn them into loyal fans.

Those who will buy from you, root you and are your biggest asset.

End your article by summarising the quick points.

Conclude leaving the best thing to act on.

One that forces to bring change, prepare for change & work to change.

Use —

  1. TLDR/ Summary — To quickly wrap your content.

2. Make sure to use a strong Call to Action, to turn your reader into a potential customer.

3. Add links to your —

  • Digital products
  • Newsletter
  • LinkedIn
  • 1:1 Call

Use language that compels the reader to take action.

If you’re able to get all these done from your reader, you’ll never look back.

Because attention is the currency of this Internet writing.

The more you catch it, the more success you’ll get.

In this content-consuming generation, the content that is worth attention is sure to go long.

Make sure you Grab, Keep & Turn attention into action to achieve your goals.

Go write your attention-grabbing content now!

Start today

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Ultimate Sanskrit Wisdom 🌟

  • I created my 1st Notion template: Cozy Space ( Do check it out; it’s free)
  • Your ultimate well-being tracker Self Care Notion template (Free)
  • My 1st Canva design: Planner: (Free)

I hope this helps you.

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  • Be sure to clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do).
  • Leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot).
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Thank you for reading!

Till then take care.

Follow Suman Rajpurohit for more such optimistic & personal improvement content. Your introverted ‘writer’ friend.




Suman Rajpurohit

Digital Creator |Quick & easy writing tips| Notion templates | Sanskrit Wisdom | Optimistic views for happy life. Visit: https://sumanrajpurohit11.gumroad.com