5 Little Known Way to Write Content That Works Wonders ( Part two of eight)

The list is worth the attention, isn’t it?

Suman Rajpurohit
4 min readFeb 13, 2024
Image created by author using AI

The gate is the first impression of the place.

Likewise headline is the gate to the story.

Make it attractive, and you’ll never crib for readers.

Any headline that lists a number of reasons, secrets, types, or ways will work because, once again, it makes a very specific promise of what’s in store for the reader.

Having number make it —

  • Clear
  • Concise
  • Specific
  • Expertise
  • Accountable
  • Authoritative

Classic “list” headlines that you can use to boost readership.

Here’s my personal results on these

Stats of list headline that worked well for author

All these stories that have specific numbers have managed to get more attention than other stories.

Now, you must be thinking, it’s super easy and works well too.

But ever wondered ‘Why Some People Almost Always Write Great Post Titles’

That’s a little secret in here.

Writing great post titles and other headlines can likely only be learned.

Only if you try it and don’t rely on natural talents.

Try to be —

  1. Be smart and apply what works in real.
  2. Understanding your audience.
  3. Make intriguing promises.
  4. Study headline that works.
  5. Tweaking headline for your readers.
  6. Magnetically draws reader’s attention.

Starting headline with ‘Why' helps to —

  • Piques attention.
  • Arises curiosity.
  • Answers query.
  • Elaborate it.

While the ‘why’ always works, ‘the list and How to’ can be written in a way that implies an already existing audience.

Consider 👇🏼

1. Who else _____________?

By writing this way you are creating for people with specific needs.

Some examples for better understanding

• Who Else Wants a Great WordPress Theme?

• Who Else Wants a Higher Paying Job?

• Who Else Wants More Fun and Less Stress When on Vacation

•Who Else wants to make money by writing on the Internet?

One more is…

2. The secret of __________?

Humans love to know secrets, that’s the power of such headlines.

Consider for example,

  • The Secret of making money by Side hustle
  • The Secret of writing every day along with full-time job
  • The Secret of Successful Solopreneurship

Share insider knowledge and translate it into a benefit for the reader.

It’ll work like magic.

3. Here’s how

Here’s A method is common one.

Here’s _______ to ________.

This emphasizes on reader’s benefits by method.

Like —

  • Here’s a method to make money while sleeping.
  • Here’s a method to create content everyday

An effective headline is just a careful way to play with reader’s mind by luring them to —

  • Benefits
  • Promises.
  • Proven ways.
  • Sharing secret.
  • Building trust & authority.
  • Thinking of the reader’s benefits over any other thing.

Another one is …

4. Little known ways to __________.

Similar to ‘secret’ in meaning but phrased differently, ‘little known’ types of headlines raise interest instantly.

Some examples are —

• Little Known Ways to Create your One person biz

• Little Known Ways Write Copy that Sells

• Little Known Ways to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

One more is…

5. Here’s a Quick Way to [solve a problem]

People love quick and easy when it comes to solving a nagging problem.

• Here’s a Quick Way to Get Ideas for your Content

• Here’s a Quick Way to Generate money by writing words.

• Here’s a Quick Way to Backup Your Hard Drive

These are certainly gems of headlines that are proven to work efficiently.

All it take is tweaking it to your target audience’s need and you’re you’re good to go .

Now that you know what works.

Apply it to write some banger post.

Apply these to amplify your growth.

The ultimate way to win readers is through attention-grabbing headlines.

Now you have your swipe file ready, what you’re waiting for?

Start your journey to amazing writer today!

Don’t let the fear hold you back.

Do it anyway.

(These are my learning from the Copy Bloggers guide. The article is a result of learning from the E-book. Helping you by what helped me.)

Hope it helps.

Thank you for reading!

Till then take care.

Follow Suman Rajpurohit for more such optimistic & personal improvement content. Your introverted ‘writer’ friend.




Suman Rajpurohit

Digital Creator |Quick & easy writing tips| Notion templates | Sanskrit Wisdom | Optimistic views for happy life. Visit: https://sumanrajpurohit11.gumroad.com