7 Astonishing Sanskrit Words To Acknowledge the Blessings of Life

Don’t underestimate the power of words.

Suman Rajpurohit
5 min readFeb 4, 2024
Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-standing-among-flying-slips-of-paper-9168819/

Positive self-talk leads to optimism!

Likewise, negative words have negative impacts.

The words shape the reality.

If such is the power of words, why not say the one that will improve your life?

Acknowledge the blessings of life before they vanish away.

Because nothing will be same in a year.

As time flies, things change, and what you take for granted becomes a rarity.

So, laud your blessings as you enjoy them.

Here are Sanskrit words that have the power to change your outlook positively.

Know the potential of these beautiful Sanskrit words. 👇

1. Suramya ( Sanskrit: सुरम्य )

Translation: Beautiful.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Bhagwad Geeta says, “ Something is beautiful/good because it was you who chose to see the beauty/good in it.”

Take time to pause and look more around you.

The daily routine seems boring because you’ve stopped admiring the beauty in yourself and the nature.

The bright sunrise, the sunny afternoon, the colorful sunset to the starry night, every little thing has beauty in it.

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

Change your perspective from ‘just look’ to ‘admire what you see’.

Notice every little detail and you’ll see how life is to live and not just about working for money.

  • Spend more time in nature.
  • Have more family time.
  • Admire your abilities.
  • Know yourself.
  • SelfLove.
  • Live.

Explore more suramya moments of life and immerse in it.

Look around more often to experience the beautiful spirit of life.

2. Kritagya ( Sanskrit: कृतज्ञ )

Translation: Grateful.

You know in schools we all offered thank you prayer before having lunch or even before leaving back home.


Because thankfulness is the only way to attract more blessings.

Life is — ‘What you give so shall you receive.’

If you practice gratitude often, life will give you more opportunities to do so again.

Make it a ritual to express gratefulness.

Either start your day with it or end your day with it.

Start your day by writing about five things you are grateful for.

This will positively change your outlook and make you look for the good in your life.

From huge victory to little things, Express gratitude to the Almighty for everything.

And you’ll be more happy by doing what you do.

Being kritagya is opening heart to God for all the blessings of life.

Don’t take anything for granted because what’s normal for you is a dream for many.

Stay grateful for all you have.

3. Antogatva ( Sanskrit: अंततोगत्वा )

Translation: In the end for good and all.

Everything is predestined.

The Murphy laws says, “Whatever is supposed to happen will happen.”

It doesn’t matter whether the outcome will be good/bad.

What is destined to happen will happen at all costs. No matter how hard one tries to resist it.

That’s the Universal truth.

Because you have control over your actions not over the outcome/results.

So, always give your best and leave the rest in destiny’s hands.

You may not see the motive behind it now, but soon you’ll know it.

So do what you can do in the best way.

And antogatva will take care of itself.

As the old saying goes, “Whatever happens happens for the best.”

Trust His plan that’s what antogatva is!

4. Tatvamasi ( Sanskrit: तत्त्वमसि )

Translation: That essence is you.

You are a world in yourself.

Your presence is meant to change the lives of people around you for the better.

Don’t take yourself for granted.

You are blessing of God to the world.

  • Love.
  • Be unique.
  • Know yourself.
  • Identify your blessings.
  • Acknowledge your worth.
  • Create difference in the lives of people.

The world won’t be the same without you.

Don’t belittle yourself.

Bring the change you want to by being you.

As tatvamasi is valuing oneself.

Know the ultimate truth that the essence is you.

Don’t disregard your worth.

5. Rasasvada ( Sanskrit: रसवाद )

Translation: A sentiment of complete bliss in the absence of thoughts.

To live is quite rare nowadays.

Everyone is stressed.

  • Students worry about assignments.
  • Employee stress over workload.
  • Grown-ups fear not fulfilling the wishes of the family.

Nobody is content with their life.

TThat’s the irony of life.

To be in a state of complete peace without being worried about what will happen next, is the real value of life.

Rasasvada is enjoying life completely by being in the present moment without any worry.

Learn to live the life fully.

6. Jijivisa ( Sanskrit: जिजीविषा )

Translation: The eternal desire to live.

We all are bestowed with the beautiful present of life by the Almighty.

Life is given to live well not to spend worrying about what will happen in the future.

  • Live the every bit of life.
  • Make the most of it.
  • Indulge in the beauty of life, and live it to the fullest.

Jijivisa is the eternal desire to live life every moment by being true to oneself.

7. Vatsalya ( Sanskrit: वात्सल्य )

Translation:Motherly love.

The purest form of love — mother love is like none other.

Even God took birth from the mother’s womb to experience the divinity of the mother’s love.

Either it’s Jesus or Krishna took birth from the womb of Mother Mary and Maa Devki to fulfill their purpose.

Don’t disregard the love of your parents.

Because nothing is selfless like a mother’s affection.

Love like mothers without any expectations, and you’ll have the purest love of your life.

Experience the vatsalya as long as you’ve your parents by your side.

Spend more time with your mum to surrender to the epitome of love.

These seven words are more than just words.

Explore their beauty to live mindful living.

Make your life meaningful by embodying these words.

A single word is enough to bring a significant growth.

Pick the one that aligns with you and make the most out of it.

Hope it helps.

Thank you for reading!

Till then take care.

Follow Suman Rajpurohit for more such optimistic & personal improvement content. Your introverted ‘writer’ friend.




Suman Rajpurohit

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