LinkedIn Or Medium: What Should One Choose To Write On?

Choose the platform that serves you well and the reader too⚡

Suman Rajpurohit
3 min readApr 14, 2024
Photo by Sandeep Ozarde on Unsplash

Writing is the most important skill of the digital era.

From starting to build your authority to creating your personal brand, writing is a must-have to reach your work to most people.

There are many platforms that help you build an audience by writing words.

Some of these are —

  • X
  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • Blogger
  • Substack
  • Medium
  • LinkedIn

It depends on the type of content you write to choose on.

Quora and Reddit help you gain readers without having specific knowledge. You can answer queries and thus build a reputation of your own.

While I haven’t tried these two, I can share my experience of the platform I’ve tried and tested.

Medium and LinkedIn are those.

Medium is a must-try writing platform.

It is known as YouTube of writers.

The best thing about this platform is —

  • Easy to get started with.
  • Let’s you publish anything
  • No guidelines or restrictions
  • Let you decide your niche/topic
  • Make your league of writing that attracts the right audience.

I highly recommend Medium if you want to build a —

  • Writing habit
  • Cater audience
  • Communicate experience
  • Share your personal story & anecdote
  • Write as per your convenience and schedule

Medium is your thing to give a hand to writing and earn some experience.

LinkedIn is a worthy platform to strike the right chord with professionals.

From selling your services to catering to client’s demands, LinkedIn is all things growth.

LinkedIn is highly advised if you want to —

  • Increase reach
  • Personal brand
  • Cater specific audience
  • Sell your service and product
  • Get potential clients and leads

LinkedIn is more of a professional platform, while Medium is a writer-friendly platform.

✅ If you’re getting started with writing, go for Medium.

✅ But if you want to reach professionals and create your business, go for LinkedIn.

Both platform comes with its pros and cons.

But I would suggest starting with nailing one platform first and then moving to another one.

I first focused on Medium and when I got better at it, I hopped to LinkedIn.

Because it is —

“One step at a time” to master any platform.

Start with Medium and then repurpose your Medium content for LinkedIn. This is the hack.

Now that you know the secret, get started.

Start today!

Let’s build together.

Connect to me on LinkedIn here

I hope this helps you.

If it did,

  • Be sure to clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do).
  • Leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot).
  • Share this with someone (sharing is caring).

Thank you for reading!

Till then take care.

Follow Suman Rajpurohit for more such optimistic & personal improvement content. Your introverted ‘writer’ friend.




Suman Rajpurohit

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