Published inSaaSBoomi — The World’s Only Pay-it-forward Community of SaaS FoundersMeet the Finalists of the SaaSBOOMi 2021 AwardsAnnouncing the finalists of the second edition of the SaaSBOOMi AwardsApr 20, 2022Apr 20, 2022
This is your life as an Average Joe Entrepreneur in the Silicon Valley of IndiaInspired by Lizzie Chapman and Sunil Rajaraman — on the shoulders of giants we stand…Aug 18, 201610Aug 18, 201610
Why Private Flipkart doesn’t need “saving”My 2p response to Haresh Chawla’s “advice” to FlipkartApr 25, 201613Apr 25, 201613
The reincarnation of Peter Proud — the curious case of a crook named Sandeep AggarwalI am sure everyone knows that the letter E is the most commonly used English alphabet and most of us would find it almost impossible to put…Mar 7, 20163Mar 7, 20163
Valuation markdown — Is it really game over for Flipkart?And what does this mean for the rest of us?Mar 4, 20162Mar 4, 20162
A data-driven argument on why Marc Andreessen is wrong about Free BasicsTRAI’s recent decision to ban differential net pricing in India evoked a varied set of emotions across the spectrum — from exultation from…Feb 10, 201614Feb 10, 201614
#StartupIndia Action Plan — Reactions from a “normal startup”Last weekend witnessed a glitzy startup event. In many ways, this event was like every other startup event in India — founders of “unicorn”…Jan 18, 20162Jan 18, 20162
Why a prize idiot like Rahul Yadav is precisely the kind of startup hero India deserves……and exactly the opposite of the one it needs.Dec 16, 201528Dec 16, 201528
Why I am “duelling” with Mahesh Murthy at UnpluggdOne of my long-lamented grouses with the Indian startup ecosystem is that by and large, we are a “monoculture”- at any given point of…Dec 11, 2015Dec 11, 2015
How the Nasscom Product Conclave became the Bellandur Lake of the Indian Startup EcosystemI remember attending the first Nasscom Product Conclave in 2007.Oct 13, 201514Oct 13, 201514