“Navigating the Pitfalls: Common Mistakes in Spring Boot Application Development”

4 min readFeb 4, 2024


Developing Spring Boot applications offers great convenience, but certain pitfalls can undermine performance, security, and maintainability. This article sheds light on some prevalent mistakes, addressing issues related to logging, exposing internal structures, security oversights, configuration mismanagement, dependency pitfalls, thread pool configuration, and improper cache usage.

Log Only What’s Necessary:

Avoid logging sensitive information or excessive details that might not be useful during normal operation.
Be mindful of the amount of data being logged, especially in performance-critical sections.

For example, consider a situation where a developer logs information inside a loop iterating over a collection or processing records from a database query. If the loop iterates over a substantial number of elements, logging detailed information for each iteration can lead to excessive log entries and adversely impact performance.
While logging details during development can be useful, leaving such detailed logging in production code, especially within a loop that processes a large dataset, can lead to a flood of unnecessary log entries and negatively impact performance. Solution: Limit Logging to a Specific Number of Iterations, Logging at a Higher Level in Production, Batch Logging.

Leaking’ internals:
Exposing your internal structure is never a good idea because it creates inflexibility in service design and consequently promotes bad coding practices. ‘Leaking’ internals are manifested by making database structure accessible from certain API endpoints.

Exposing internal structures, such as database tables, through API endpoints introduces several critical issues. Firstly, it leads to inflexibility, making it difficult to modify the database schema without affecting API consumers. Any alterations to the database may necessitate corresponding adjustments in the API contract, resulting in disruptions and tight coupling between the database and API. This lack of flexibility hinders the evolution of the system and introduces challenges during maintenance.

Secondly, there are significant security concerns associated with revealing the internal structure of the database. This exposure opens the door for potential security risks, as attackers may exploit this information to identify vulnerabilities and launch targeted attacks. To mitigate these risks, it is imperative to implement proper access controls and avoid unnecessary exposure of sensitive details, safeguarding the system against potential security threats.

Moreover, exposing database-specific details violates the principle of abstraction, which is crucial for well-designed APIs. APIs should provide a high-level interface for clients, shielding them from the intricacies of the underlying implementation details. Maintaining a clear separation between the database structure and the API ensures better abstraction, promoting scalability and maintainability of the system over time.

Lastly, directly exposing database tables creates tight coupling between the frontend and backend components. Changes in the database schema necessitate corresponding modifications in the frontend code, eroding the modularity of the system. This tight coupling reduces the adaptability of the system to changes, making it challenging to evolve and scale seamlessly. To address these issues, it is recommended to employ best practices such as using Data Transfer Objects, introducing a service layer, and implementing proper access controls to enhance the overall robustness and flexibility of the API.

Solution Using DTO’s:Use Data Transfer Objects to represent the data exchanged between the API and the client. DTOs allow you to shape the data in a way that suits the API’s needs without exposing the internal database structure.

// Directly exposing database entity
public User getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
return userRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);
// Using DTO to shape the response
public UserDTO getUserById(@PathVariable Long id) {
User user = userRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);
return new UserDTO(user.getId(), user.getUsername());}

Security is a critical aspect of any application, and developers must pay close attention to it when using Spring Boot. Some common security mistakes include improper authentication and authorization mechanisms, neglecting input validation, and failing to protect sensitive data.

Poor Configuration Management
Spring Boot provides a powerful mechanism for managing application configurations using properties files or YAML files. However, developers often hardcode configuration values or neglect proper management of configuration properties.

Unreasonable dependencies
When using build tools such as Maven or Gradle, unnecessary dependencies may be accidentally introduced, which increases the size and complexity of the application and may lead to performance degradation and security issues. Therefore, all dependencies need to be carefully checked and unnecessary dependencies removed.One of the key features of Spring Boot is its dependency management capabilities through the use of Maven or Gradle. However, developers sometimes overlook the importance of correctly managing dependencies, resulting in conflicts or outdated versions. It is crucial to regularly update dependencies and resolve any conflicts to ensure a stable and up-to-date application.

Incorrect cache usage:

Improper usage of caches can lead to issues such as cache logic errors and inadequate cache clearing. To prevent these problems, it’s crucial to carefully consider cache usage scenarios and strategies, implementing effective cache management. An example of incorrect cache usage is demonstrated in the following code:

@Cacheable(value = “mycache”)
public String getMyData(int id) {
return myRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

Here, the getMyData() method is annotated with @Cacheable, suggesting that its results can be cached. However, during execution, since no specific cached key value is defined, all requests will share the same cache key, potentially resulting in multiple requests obtaining the same cached result, leading to data inconsistencies or errors.

To address this issue, it’s important to determine how the cache key is generated based on specific business scenarios and data characteristics. One solution is to use request parameters as cache keys, as shown below:

@Cacheable(value = “mycache”, key = “#id”)
public String getMyData(int id) {
return myRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

In this revised code, the request parameter id is utilized as the cache key, ensuring that each request can independently access the cached data. By carefully designing and managing cache keys, it is possible to maximize the benefits of caching mechanisms, enhancing application performance and response speed.

Inappropriate thread pool configuration:

In the realm of Spring Boot applications, configuring thread pools is a critical aspect often prone to common mistakes. Inappropriately setting parameters such as core pool size, max pool size, and queue capacity can significantly impact the system’s performance and responsiveness. For instance, assigning a low core pool size may hinder immediate task execution during sudden workload spikes, while insufficient max pool size limits scalability. Inadequate queue capacity might lead to rejected tasks and potential performance degradation.

