Hardest choices require strongest will

Sumeet Sarkar
2 min readNov 10, 2018


Thanos artwork from bestwallpapers.in

‘Hardest choices require strongest will’ said Thanos and it really started my gears thinking about it. It is a simple statement but with a lot deeper meaning, which I figured early as I found myself not resting unless I start pondering over it.

Choices are hard, no matter which. It is the outcome of the choices which may or may not impact the mundaneness of ones life, is what makes it hard. We are stubborn beings, we often do not welcome change. It is the will which push forwards in hope for a better homeostasis maybe.

Sometimes a simple choice becomes hard and a hard one becomes an absolute no brainer, all because we may or may not be ready for the changes it piggybacks. So what we are really dealing here, is the acceptance. Acceptance of our lives after every choice that we make. Sometimes we do extend ourselves selflessly to face an outcome of a choice which may be for a greater good or good of some individual or some cause. It is really then when our will shines. What is this sheen of our will then? Character.

So is will just manifestation of the stubbornness in us against willing to accept change? And character is what defines us ultimately? I think character is what fuels our will with quality, a will which matters. A will which really can take on the choices which are deemed truly hard, not because they are really hard, but because it takes understanding of something, which not everyone can comprehend.

A strong character is beyond homeostasis. It towers over the mediocrity and searches for avenues not explored yet. Character defines who we are truly and it shows. It is not something one wears but develops over time. Character gives one breadth over the plethora of things around and depth in the thoughts in mind. It is the recipe to the best quality will! Will to act in spite of being sucked into the temptation of optimistic nihilism.

However, take all of this with a grain of salt. After all, what do I know? I had a tough time choosing to write or not write about it. And Thanos, now I know what you meant.

Hardest choices require strongest character.



Sumeet Sarkar

All things Javascript & Python. Love problem solving. I am also a photographer, foodie, impatient, philosophical. Engineering @ Postman