Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): CSS is defined as a method sheet language that provides web designers control over how an internet site communicates with web browsers including the formatting and display of their HTML documents. CSS or cascading sheet may be a text-based coding language that specifies the website formats and the way a site communicates with web browsers. The language allows web developers to regulate various style elements and functionalities, like layout, color, fonts, and therefore the formatting and display of HTML documents.
Hypertext markup language (HTML) is a Hypertext markup language, the standard markup language for documents designed to displayed and viewed on the online during a browser also helps to create the structure of the web page. because it is a markup language, it consists of many tags. There are tags to display text, tables, ordered lists and unordered lists, etc. There are two main sections on the HTML page: head and body section. The data that describes the page also termed as metadata is inside the head section while the body section includes all the tags that are necessary to represent the visible content of the web page HTML is a platform-independent language so that can be made in use in any platform like Windows, Linux, Macintosh, etc.
CSS has many advantages that enable developers to design a website. Some of these advantages are:
1. Better Website Speed:For a website to function efficiently, it should have a faster load time. In modern times, people usually wait for just a couple of seconds for a website to load. So, it’s important to ensure faster speed. For companies wanting to ensure a faster and smooth website experience, CSS becomes paramount to their success.
2. Easier to Maintain: CSS is easy to maintain due to less maintenance time. This is because a single line code change affects the entire web page. Also, if improvements are required, then less effort is required to affect changes in the webpage code.
3. Consistent Design: You would have seen many websites that are elegant and user-friendly. One thing common to all these websites is consistency in design. CSS enables developers to ensure the style elements are applied consistently across several web pages.
4. Time-Saving: Due to faster speed and easier maintenance, CSS saves a lot of time and effort in the web development process due to faster loading time. Here, lesser time ensures designer efficiency.
5. Better Device Compatibility: People use different smart devices to view a particular website. It can be a smartphone, PC or laptop. For this purpose, websites are required to be device compatible. CSS ensures the task is done smoothly by providing better compatibility.
6. Positioning of Design Elements: You can change the position of an HTML tag with the help of CSS. You can place the elements like an image on any part of the webpage as and when required.
HTML is the backbone of website design and function. It provides a structure for web pages that allows browsers to understand and display the content on the page
1. Simple and easy to use: What happens when you need to make changes to your website and the developer who had built it is not available? This is where the owners of HTML have an edge over their high-tech counterparts. Whether a freelancer or a developer, almost everyone is well-versed in the use of HTML. So, you would have more options — a sure bet to snap up a brilliant bargain.
2. Most browsers support HTML: Most browsers support websites based on HTML. What it means is that the visitors to your website would be able to view it on their preferred browsers without any issue. This enhances the user experience.
3. HTML and XML syntax are similar: Over the years the use of XML platform to store data has been gaining traction. The similar syntax of XML and HTML platforms makes it possible to use each other in tandem.
4. Free of cost: Because HTML does not need plugins or any other software, it is available free of cost. On the other hand, content management systems that operate on open source may not always be free.
5. Compatible with a majority of development tools: Think of any popular programming tool like FrontPage or DreamWeaver or any other development tool, HTML is compatible with almost all of them.
6. Friendly with search engines: If designed with clean and validated HTML code, an HTML website is the easiest to access for the crawlers on search engines. Flexibility aside, it provides the best SEO results with the least complications.
7. Caters to the majority of needs: From a business website with e-commerce functionality to a general website with marketing and company information, an HTML website is what you need to cover all the bases.
Although a high-end website is what most companies look for nowadays, it is more expensive in comparison to an HTML based website. The best part about the latter is that it looks as appealing as the former but provides a viable solution for web designing at low cost. Therefore, if yours is a start-up business, it would be wise to go for well-built HTML website than tying out the other options. Apart from saving your time and money, it would also ease the workload of keeping your website up and running
HTML and CSS represent numerous opportunities in web development for businesses that develop and deploy online content and web applications. Overall, by using both of these tools in your businesses’ web development you can optimise your users’ web experience, provide a solid foundation for your SEO and content marketing strategy and significantly reduce your cross-platform web development and support costs whilst increasing your reach and optimising web experience.