My 21 Days Coding Challenge Experience

2 min readSep 5, 2021


“You can’t change your future, but you can change your habit ,and surely your habit will change your future”

I’m really excited in sharing my experience.

In the beginning, the 21 days challenge actually panicked me. I heard that the challenge would be related to java, css, and html. I didn't have any experience in coding before the challenge. I thought it would be very difficult for me to do the task . Yet, I took up the challenge !

The Day 1 challenge was completed and the result was good. It was correct and made me feel that I could do it.

As days passed on, my eagerness to complete the challenge hiked. Eagerness turned to habit. It enthused me in learning coding. Finally, the challenge came to an end. But, I couldn’t hold my habit of checking mail for challenge.

Learning coding in 21 days was really a wonderful opportunity for me. And, I think, I used it in a proper way.

I thank you for making me share my experience.

“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place . Therefore if you write the code as cleverly as possible ,you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. “
-Brain W. Kernighan
Submitted By - M.Evangelin Sumilda

