Sumir The Seeker
1 min readApr 15, 2017


Beautifully articulated, your musings, perhaps even your inner unrest. The answer I find simple to relate to is the one proposed by my Spiritual Master. He would say, we are in this world, we are not of this world. Our inner being, our inner consciousness, knows this, and I believe that when these thoughts are at the fore of our minds, or even when we are subconsciously contemplating as such, it is actually this deep rooted sense of not belonging to this world, that has taken root and is urging us to seek out the ultimate truth. However, it’s not likely that this answer or answers will Dawn upon us in a flash, or au contraire they just might. More often than not, the hidden answers will slowly be revealed to us through our sensory experiences and through our inner selves. It is said that the subtle mind is even more powerful than the one that we are in touch with on a day to day basis. Yes, I do believe that all the answers lie within us, but they are lost as we grow up and experience that which is around us. Growing up is nothing but our journey to get in touch with that which we already know. Our knowledge of our own selves is contaminated by contact with the illusory energy, this relegating the inner self to the background.

