Who Will You Choose — A Legalized Sperm Donor Or A Doctor Himself

Sumita Sofat
3 min readSep 26, 2016


According to the recent scandal that became popular, doctors use to become the donor themselves instead using the sperm donors in case of unavailability or rareness of donors.

An Indiana citizen Dr. Cline is charged with thwarting the laws and is convicted with 5 years of prison. The doctor told his patients about using sperms given his students. But in actual, he was using his own sperms to help many of his patients to conceive. According to the news, one of his patients had almost 9 siblings who were made by the same doctor’s sperms. She confirmed it by a DNA test. The doctor will have to appear for the trial on 17th October.

However the Indiana’s doctor was not the first case who used his own sperm due to shortage in supply. Several decades ago, a doctor Bertold Wiesner in London started his fertility clinic and helped make patients pregnant in 1500 cases. Wiesner with his wife boasted to use sperms from their intellectual friends, but in actual he provided his sperms for around 500 kids.

In another case, Tom Lippert in Utah became a donor himself and served time for keeping a woman hostage in a black box several weeks. Certainly, besides of testing donors better, the fertility institutes should include better employee screenings in their task lists.

Many earlier patients may not have an interest in implementing charges or using laws for illegal life associated with their kids. Eventually, the damages involves in such as claim cannot be quantified. To what level, the patients have suffered by having a doctor as a sperm rather a third person.

However it appears strange that Dr. Cine will be liable to crime for his illegal use of justice. The offense of switching from a third person sperm to doctor sperm is rarely a rape, it definitely violates the approval of a patient and mutual understanding between the doctor and his patients.

A doctor who has the privilege about what is he doing permits his patients to evaluate and make a wise decision. But those patients who blindly trust the system, physicians and sperm banks are frequently receiving something that they hadn’t chosen. Luckily it has come out because of becoming a new case. The kids are normally the result of an older system with a couple of FDA test procedures and confirmed on the perfect procedures.

If you want to know who is the person with the maximum children in the history is Simon Watson who has claimed to has about 800 kids and he wants to make a record of having 1000 kids before death.

Unlikely above in the IVF treatment centre in India, the sperm donors are well checked and diagnosed for being the valid donor of sperms to the patients who want to conceive. When you contact a reputed clinic in India, you are assured of receiving a quality sperm donor who is free from any genetic diseases and disorders and is perfect to become your donor.

