Scope in Javascript

Sumit B
4 min readApr 13, 2023


Are you tired of constantly getting errors in your JavaScript code? Do you want to write cleaner, more efficient code? Look no further than understanding the magical world of scopes in JavaScript!

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

So you’ve probably come across or played around with some code like this before when messing with JavaScript:

function doWork(done) {
return () => console.log(done);

const updateWork= doWork("done");

doWork(); // "done"

This code is interesting for a couple of reasons. First, we can access done in the function returned from doWork. Second, we have access to done value when we call updateWork– even though we call updateWork where we do not otherwise have access to done.

What are Scopes ?

Scopes determine the accessibility of variables and functions in your code. It’s like a VIP area at a concert — some things are accessible to everyone (global scope), some things are only accessible to certain ticket holders (local scope), and some things are only accessible to a select few (block scope).

Let`s try to dig deeper..

Global Scope: These variables and functions are accessible from anywhere in your code. Think of it like a celebrity who’s always in the public eye — they can be seen and accessed by anyone. But be warned, global variables and functions can cause unexpected behavior and make it harder to debug your code.

In this example, we’ve declared a global variable myGlobalVar and a global function myGlobalFunction. These can be accessed from anywhere in the code, even from within other functions or blocks.

2.Local Scope: These variables and functions are only accessible within the function or block in which they are declared. It’s like a backstage area at a concert — only those with special access can enter. But don’t worry, this is a good thing! It prevents name collisions and unintended access.

In this example, we declare a variable x within the myFunction function, and log its value to the console. Because x is declared within the function, it has local scope and can only be accessed within the function.

Outside of the function, if we try to access the variable x, we get a ReferenceError because it is not defined outside of the function's scope.

3.Function Scope: Variables declared inside a function are only accessible within that function. It’s like a private party — only those on the guest list are allowed in. Function scope can be a useful tool for encapsulating and organizing your code.

4.Block Scope: Variables declared with the let and const keywords inside a block are only accessible within that block. It's like a secret room in a mansion - only those who know the secret entrance can enter. Block scope can help prevent bugs and make your code more predictable.

How Scope Works in JavaScript?

When JavaScript code is executed, a new scope is created. Each function or block creates a new scope, and these scopes can be nested within each other. When a variable or function is accessed, JavaScript looks for it in the current scope. If it’s not found, it looks in the outer scope, and so on until it reaches the global scope.

Here’s an one more example to illustrate how scope works in JavaScript:

In this example, we have three variables declared in three different scopes. The globalVar variable is declared in the global scope and is accessible from anywhere in the code. The outerVar variable is declared in the outer function scope and is accessible from within that function and any nested functions. The innerVar variable is declared in the inner function scope and is only accessible within that function.

Best Practices for Using Scope in JavaScript To write clean and efficient code, it’s important to use scope effectively. Here are some best practices for using scope in JavaScript:

Avoid global variables: They can cause unexpected behavior and make debugging difficult. Instead, use local variables or pass variables as function arguments.

Keep variables and functions in narrow scopes: This can prevent name collisions and unintended access.

Use let and const instead of var: These variables are block-scoped and can make your code more predictable and less prone to bugs.

Use functions to create new scopes: This can help organize your code and make it more manageable.

Use clear and descriptive names for variables and functions: This can make your code more readable and easier to understand.

Conclusion : Scope is an essential concept in JavaScript that determines the visibility and accessibility of variables and functions in your code. By understanding how scope works and following best practices for using it, you can write clean, efficient, and bug-free code.

By understanding the different types of scopes and how they work, you can write cleaner, more efficient, and bug-free code.

That’s all 😀. Thanks for reading till now🙏.

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