Web that I loved designing

Sumit Jaju
2 min readDec 13, 2016


Recently designing has been my very much interest. Designing websites, especially with html 5 and css 3, gives much more meaning to effects and animation! Also, minimal design can be a simpler and cleaner method for representing your thoughts.

Being an IT guy, I decided to design and develop a website to help my family business from a marketing perspective and also gaining customer trust. My aim was to actually learn design concepts and make it live in practical. So this is what I came up with.


Home Page :

Its simple but more informative. Its direct but tells you what you looking for.
Its the site that I designed for our family business. My family is in cement trading business since three decades. With all these Internet world I thought to lets market and increase the scope of the business.

Brief thoughts about design.


SVG’s files and just simply great and they are friend in every aspect. All icons are of file type SVG. These are also called scalable vector graphics file. You can scale these files in and out and still there resolution remains intact. Due to their xml in nature they load fast and the website can stay efficient.


Footer gives you glance about region where it is located and links if you want to know more about firm. Complete site is responsive for all device types so customer don’t have to worry about reachability and business visibility.

Most recent and new friend :)

Angular Js

This JS library actually make the website live and awake. UI Router of angular Js connect all pages together which will make your site up and running in minutes. To learn about angular head towards AngularJs.org.

Designing is always fun for me. With rich image content and minimizing the stress on user to read and have liberty to see less will definitely make your customers happy. Thanks for reading. Give a shout here ↓.

Follow Me @jsumeet.

