Self Defence: educational curriculum

2 min readJun 10, 2018

Teaching self defence can decrease the range of violence among students and teenagers. This may sound strange at first and indeed it is. Self defence can prevent bullying and ragging among students and young teenagers. We are all aware of our present scenario about women and it’s safely and the crimes that are plaguing our countries. The reason for that can be attributed to the fact that some students do not know how to deal with such cofrontatial situations and thus ends up being the victims of unwanted crimes leading to teenage suicides and depression. But when students are thought self defence they learn to protect themselves from these heinous crimes and physical prompts.

Self defence classes teaches them the tactics to escape or deal with such situations. Self defence training can help students to develop many skills like:

  1. Physical training and fittness. Women students can learn to restrain any attacks in first semester itself . They would be able to escape any voilent confrontation in just one semester.
  2. Teaches self discipline and co ordination among students.
  3. Develop self confidence in your mind.
  4. Develop awareness about the various crimes and need to defend yourself from such situations.

“Self defence is not only our right it is our duty" this was said by Ronald Reagan the 40th US president. It is our duty to include self defence as a curriculum in middle schools and colleges unless it becomes mandatory no one takes it seriously and would be ignorant of its benefits. Womens were never weak they were just wreaked by our patrichal society. From bring goddess of love and affection now it’s time for them to slide into being warriors of strenght who are capable of sensing any heinous crimes which come their way. Self defence doesn’t teach to hate our opposite genders nor to misuse their education but it means to teach them that you are the only saviour of your body and soul.

