Must-have tools and apps for macOS for developers in 2024

Sumit Sahoo
10 min readMay 30, 2023


Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

Here goes my 1st Medium article.

For over a decade, I have been utilizing macOS, and given my focus on architecture, cloud, mobile apps, and web apps, I have come across the following tools that I consider indispensable.

I will skip over common ones such as VS Code, Intellij IDEA, Xcode, Android Studio and Docker, etc. Btw anyone finds Fleet interesting? Let me know.

Developer Tools

Brew (Free)

Homebrew is a free and open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on Apple’s operating system, macOS. It is easy to use and can be installed in a few simple steps. Once Homebrew is installed, you can use it to install software from the Homebrew repository, which contains thousands of packages. You can also use Homebrew to install software from other sources, such as GitHub. Homebrew is a great way to keep your macOS up-to-date with the latest software and install software that is not available in the macOS App Store.

This is the very first app I install after a fresh install of macOS.

Install brew using the below command

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Once brew is installed, you can install most of the apps from brew which is very straightforward. Below are a few examples of IDEs:

# Install VS Code
brew install --cask visual-studio-code

# Intellij IDEA Community Edition
brew install --cask intellij-idea-ce

# Android Studio
brew install --cask android-studio

To update brew apps use the below command (or use MacUpdater, Latest app). You can also set up a cron job to make it automated :)

brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup

Warp Terminal (Free/Paid)

Warp Terminal is a modern, fast, and customizable terminal emulator for macOS. It is built in Rust and uses GPU acceleration to provide a smooth and responsive experience. Warp Terminal supports a wide range of features, including tabs, split panes, and multiple profiles. It also has a built-in file manager and a powerful search tool. Warp Terminal is a great choice for developers and anyone who wants a powerful and customizable terminal emulator.

Warp Terminal app

As with every tool nowadays this also has AI (GPT ahem ahem) features. You can ask for “Give me a command which shows hidden files in a Mac”. What I like the most is syntax highlighting, auto suggestion, and bookmark option which saves a lot of time.

Install it using brew

brew install --cask warp

CotEditor (Free)

CotEditor is an open-source, lightweight, yet powerful text editor designed for editing plain-text files such as web pages (HTML, CSS), program source codes (Python, Ruby, Perl, etc.), structured texts (Markdown, Textile, TeX, etc.), or any other kind of plain-text. It is made for macOS and looks and behaves just as macOS applications should.


You may be wondering why another text editor? Well, sometimes I just want to copy a code and paste it somewhere which can do syntax highlighting even without saving the file (which Sublime can’t do nicely). This lets me do just that.

You can install it from Mac App Store or just use brew

brew install --cask coteditor

Fork (Paid)

Fork is a fast and friendly Git client for Mac and Windows. It is designed to be easy to use, with a clean and intuitive interface. Fork supports all the basic Git commands, as well as more advanced features like merge conflict resolution and interactive rebase. It also has a built-in diff viewer and a powerful search tool. Fork is a great choice for developers who want a powerful and easy-to-use Git client.


The main reason I use Fork is it feels like a native macOS app :) There are alternatives like SourceTree and Tower but I always come back to Fork for its simplicity.

As usual, install it using brew

brew install --cask fork

New File Menu (Paid)

New File Menu is a Finder extension that allows you to create new files quickly and easily via the Finder context menu. You can right-click in any Finder window or on the desktop to create a new file, and you can even create multiple files at once. New File Menu supports a wide variety of file types, including text files, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. You can even add a new template for html, dart, go, etc.

New File Menu

Get it from the Mac App Store.

ColorSlurp (Free/Paid)

It is a color picker app for macOS and iOS that allows you to pick colors from your screen, create and edit color palettes, and export colors to a variety of formats. It has a number of features that make it a powerful tool for designers and developers, including an ultra-accurate magnifier, an assortment of color selection tools, and the ability to create palettes automatically from your photos. ColorSlurp is also easy to use and has a sleek, modern interface.


Get it from the Mac App Store.

UTM (Free)

It is a free and open-source virtual machine app for macOS. It is based on QEMU, a popular system emulator, and provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing virtual machines. UTM can be used to run a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, on a Mac. It is a powerful tool for developers and users who want to test new software or run older operating systems that are not supported by macOS.

It is optimized for M1/M2-based Macs.

Alternatives are Parallels ($$$), VMware Fusion (Free/Paid), and VirtualBox (Free). Personally, I do not prefer subscription-based apps like Parallels.


Install it using brew

brew install --cask utm

ShellHistory (Paid)

It helps you backup, synchronize, and organize your shell history. It stores your shell history in a SQLite database with Write-Ahead-Log, not just a simple text file, and backs it up to iCloud. You can easily find commands by using a full-text search. ShellHistory also extends the history by including exit codes, working directory, host, user, elapsed time of the command, and session id. You can organize commands from your shell history in Notebooks.

Not exactly a must-have but a nice to have. If you used a command that you do not remember then you can quickly search and copy from the UI.


Get it from the Mac App Store.


Rectangle (Free/Paid)

Let’s face it, window management on macOS is nonexistent. Hence the need for this app. We always wanted a simple solution to code and preview side by side and this helps in doing exactly that and a lot more. There’s also a pro version with more features.

Rectangle Pro

Install it using brew

brew install --cask rectangle

MacUpdater (Paid)

A must have app which keeps non Mac App Store apps up-to-date. Though this is a paid app it is worth every penny.


Install it using brew

brew install --cask macupdater

Latest (free)

This is an alternative to MacUpdater and is open-source. The only limitation is it doesn’t show updates for all the apps. But it has one advantage over MacUpdater, it correctly shows updates for Mac App Store apps and with one click you can update all. To be honest, I use both apps :)

Install it using brew

brew install --cask latest

Shottr (Free)

Shottr is a free, lightweight screenshot app for macOS. It is optimized for M1/M2 Macs and offers features you would expect in a premium tool. In capture mode, the Shottr app can do advanced captures like scrolling snapshots and window snapshots with an added background. It also has a built-in editor that allows you to annotate your screenshots, add text, and blur sensitive information. Shottr is a great option for users who are looking for a powerful screenshot app without the price tag.


Install it using brew

brew install --cask shottr

OpenIn (Paid)

OpenIn is an app for macOS that allows you to open links, emails, and files in the application of your choice. You can customize the selector lists for links, emails, and files to streamline your workflow.

For example, you can configure it to open links clicked in the Teams app to open in the Edge browser.


Install it from the Mac App Store.

OnyX (Free)

OnyX is a multifunction utility for macOS that can be used to verify the startup disk and the structure of its system files, run miscellaneous maintenance and cleaning tasks; configure some hidden parameters of many Apple applications, and more. OnyX is a reliable application that provides a clean interface to many tasks that would otherwise require complex commands to be typed using a command-line interface.


Install it using brew

brew install --cask onyx

Hand Mirror (Free/Paid)

Hand Mirror is a free Mac utility that lives in your menu bar. Whenever you click it, you see a small preview of your selfie camera. This is useful for checking your appearance before joining a video call or making sure nothing embarrassing is in the frame. Hand Mirror also has a paid add-on that unlocks some bonus features, such as the ability to move the preview window somewhere else onscreen, switch up its appearance, and pick a different app icon.

Hand Mirror

Install it from the Mac App Store.

Raycast (Free/Paid)

Raycast is a productivity app for macOS that lets you complete tasks, calculate, share common links, and much more. It is a blazingly fast, totally extendable launcher that can be used to launch apps, search for files, and create keyboard shortcuts for literally anything. Raycast also includes a built-in AI assistant that can answer questions, chat, and streamline tasks.


Install it using brew

brew install --cask raycast

TinkerTool (Free)

TinkerTool is a free and open-source system utility for macOS that allows users to change hidden preferences in macOS and some of the applications that come with the system. It is a powerful tool that can be used to customize the look and feel of macOS, as well as to fix some problems that may occur. TinkerTool is easy to use and does not require any administrative privileges. It is a great tool for anyone who wants to get more out of their macOS system.


Get it from their website.

Numi (Paid)

Numi is a calculator app for macOS that allows you to describe tasks naturally and instantly get an accurate answer. For example, you can type in “9 dollars in euro” and Numi will calculate the answer for you. Numi also supports unit conversion, date and time handling, and integration with Alfred.


Install it using brew

brew install --cask numi

AltTab (Free)

As the developer of AltTab said, it brings the power of Windows’s “alt-tab” window switcher to macOS. Ever missed the previews during app switching in Windows? You know the pain of finding a Window in a Mac. If there are multiple windows for the same app cmd+tab doesn’t even show those. There’s a weird move you have to do i.e. cmd+tab then cmd+~ Well no more, AltTab solves all that while looking cool. A must-have tool IMO and it’s free!!

AltTab App

Install it using brew

brew install --cask alt-tab

Other honorable mentions are Bartender, iStat Menus, and Amphetamine.

That’s it folks, these are the apps that I use almost daily, and hope this will help fellow developers do their job faster.

Please do let me know if you want me to cover VS Code plugins in the next article. Also if I missed any apps that you think should make the list please do let me know in the comments below.

Update 08/12/2023: Added AltTab to the list, because it’s that good.

Update 12/01/2024: Updated title as apps are very much relevant in 2024 🤓

Update 13/03/2024: Removed Fig as it is now discontinued. Team at Fig are now recommending Amazon CodeWhisperer for command line.


