Healthy Skin Care That Is Not Confusing

3 min readJan 8, 2017


Proper skin care is not just about buying the body wash or facial soap with the prettiest label. Taking proper care of your skin starts with proper research to learn what is good for your skin and what is sabotaging your efforts. Read on to learn more about how to care for your skin.

The healthiest thing you can do for your skin is to wear minimal makeup, or no makeup at all. Putting foundation on your face, day after day, coats your skin in chemicals that have to be washed off at the end of the day. Many women, in an attempt to look younger, continue to wear foundation in an unattractive way. You can often get better results only applying foundation in strategic areas so that your face breathes better. Study your face in the mirror and apply foundation only to the red or darker areas. Blend carefully and leave the rest as is. Step back and see if you don’t look better already. Better yet, take the plunge one day and try going commando with no makeup at all, or with only moisturizer and lipstick. You won’t believe how freeing it will be, or how much time you will save.

Remember to keep your skin moisturized. Oily skin can cause acne breakouts. Even so, if you are experiencing acne and treating it, you will still want to moisturize your face at least once a day. Many acne medications can dry out skin. To avoid itching and peeling, you will want to make sure your skin stays hydrated.

Don’t overdo the makeup. Make-up, powders and foundation can clog your pores. Clogged pores can lead to new blemishes and can exacerbate existing acne. Occasionally, makeup applied over acne can even cause an infection. Until your skin clears up, consider forgoing makeup entirely or only use it on rare occasions. Do not use toners or concealers, either, as these also clog the pores.

Apple cider vinegar can be a natural, and effective, treatment for acne. Use half apple cider vinegar and half water as your toner daily to help your skin maintain the proper pH balance. A proper pH is essential in keeping skin healthy and preventing acne break outs.

If you wear makeup, you can improve and protect your skin by cleansing your face in two stages. Use a makeup-removing cleanser first, then follow up with a cleanser containing ingredients that will refresh, calm and moisturize your skin. Just make sure that both cleansers are non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic and gentle, since washing twice gives you twice the opportunity to dry out or irritate your skin.

Sometimes, it is very difficult to get all of the vitamins that your body needs to maintain a beautiful, radiant face. In the morning, take a multivitamin in the form of a pill, to provide your skin with the essential vitamins necessary to look your best during the course of the day.

It’s not too late to change your ways when it comes to your skin. Our bodies are constantly shedding dead skin cells and creating new ones so even if you’ve been horrible to your skin for years it’s not too late. Incorporate the advice by Las Vegas Dermatologist you’ve read here and you’ll be on your way to beautiful healthy skin.

