Uncovering the Fascinating World of Android Architecture: A Journey Through its Five Layers

Summit Kumar
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Have you ever stopped to think about what goes on behind the scenes of your favorite Android app? The Android operating system is a complex and well-designed system that provides the foundation for the thousands of apps available on the platform. In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey through the five main components of the Android architecture, also known as the Android software stack. So buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride!

Android stack

The Groundbreaking Linux Kernel
The first stop on our journey is the Linux Kernel, the bottommost layer of the Android architecture. This layer provides the basic system services that keep your device running smoothly. Think of it as the backbone of your device, providing a solid foundation for the rest of the stack to build upon. It’s responsible for tasks such as device management, memory management, process management, and network stack. Without the Linux Kernel, your device wouldn’t be able to function properly.

The Mighty Libraries
Next up, we have the Libraries, the second layer of the Android architecture. This layer is a collection of pre-written reusable code that provides functionality for higher-level parts of the architecture. It’s like a secret weapon for developers, giving them the power to add amazing features to their apps with just a few lines of code. Some of the libraries included in this layer include the SQLite database, which provides lightning-fast data storage capabilities, and the WebKit library, which provides support for web browsing that’s smooth as butter.

The Dynamic Android Runtime
The third layer of the Android architecture is the Android Runtime, a dynamic duo made up of the Dalvik Virtual Machine and the Core Libraries. The Dalvik Virtual Machine is like a personal trainer for your apps, providing the necessary environment for executing their code. The Core Libraries, on the other hand, are like personal assistants, providing the functionality required by the Android framework, such as data storage, graphics, and media. Together, they ensure that your apps run smoothly and efficiently.

The Innovative Application Framework
The fourth layer of the Android architecture is the Application Framework, a cutting-edge set of services and APIs that allow developers to build amazing apps. It’s like a toolbox for developers, providing them with everything they need to bring their ideas to life. The Application Framework provides components such as Views, Resource Manager, Activity Manager, Package Manager, and Notification Manager, making it easier for developers to create powerful and interactive apps that will leave you in awe.

The Amazing Apps
Finally, we have the Applications layer, the crown jewel of the Android architecture. This is where your favorite apps reside and where the magic happens. Apps in this layer are built using the APIs and services provided by the Application Framework and interact with the system and the user. This layer is a testament to the hard work and creativity of the developers who have built these apps, making Android such a versatile and powerful platform.

The Android software stack

In conclusion, the five layers of the Android architecture work together like a well-oiled machine to provide a comprehensive and efficient platform for developing, deploying, and running Android applications. Understanding the different components of the Android architecture is like having a backstage pass to the world of Android, giving you a glimpse into how the platform functions and how apps interact with the system. So next time you use an app, take a moment to appreciate the fascinating world of Android architecture that makes it all possible.



Summit Kumar

Tech-savvy BTech IT professional with a passion for latest technologies. Always seeking new challenges & opportunities to expand my knowledge. #KeepLearning #IT