Ways to increase productivity as a Software Engineer.

Sun Tech
2 min readOct 11, 2020

I am going to list some of the tools and tricks I use to increase my productivity as a Software Engineer.

  1. Vimium:

I use the vimium browser extension to open links, search for things, and search/open tabs from bookmarks, history, or search engines.

  • Pressing f will link all the hyperlinks on the page
  • Pressing Shift + O to search bookmarks, history, and pressing tabs to go through the list

2. Oh my zsh:

I use oh my zsh to create aliases so that I can save a lot of time typing. It also has a lot of themes that you can use which makes your terminal look very nice. You can also create custom aliases.

Link to the cheatsheet: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Cheatsheet

gco      : git checkout
gst : gist status
cd ../.. : ...

3. VSCode Code Snippets:

I create code snippets on VSCode to save me from a lot of repetitive typing I do. It can be anything from a template of a method to a class template that you always use.

Example of a code snippet that I created:

Using the custom created snippet.

If you would like to learn how to create snippets on VSCode please check the article I wrote.

How do you increase your productivity? Please add ideas to the comment section below.

