Generation Google Scholarship 2022

4 min readApr 10, 2022


The first thing I’d like to say is, “If you feel you can do anything, you most certainly can!”. I personally feel appreciated for being chosen as the scholarship recipient for this prestigious scholarship by Google. It is my first major accomplishment to date. Thank You, Google!

Everyone goes through several failures before achieving success in anything. I failed the Google STEP final round, the Flipkart Internship test, and a number of other applications. I didn’t stop working for them and kept improving my skills, and finally got this amazing opportunity!

In this blog, I’ll discuss my technical round and interview experiences, as well as how to prepare for both and, of course, The Google Generation Scholarship!

About Google Generation Scholarship:

The Generation Google Scholarship for Women in Computer Science is awarded based on each candidate’s dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as their academic achievements.

You will join an online network where you will be able to communicate with other researchers from all around the world/APAC (Asia Pacific) area and share ideas.

Moreover, you will be receiving a welcome kit full of Google swags and an invite to a retreat, where you will meet your fellow scholars and a bunch of Googlers from all around the world, but this time due to a pandemic physical retreat wouldn’t be possible.

The Application:

Filling the application form: The application form was open to 2nd-year female students, who were enrolled as full-time students in a Bachelor’s degree for the 2021–2022 academic year in computer science and related fields. I filled out the application in December. Applicants were asked to submit two essay questions along with the resume and transcript(official/unofficial). Below are the essay questions for the 2022 program:

The online challenge: There was a technical round that consisted of two code problems. One hour was allotted to tackle any one of the two issues. The questions primarily employed the concept of Data Structures. The questions can be written in any programming language familiar to the participant. The questions were medium-level problems. I solved the problem in Java. Finally, after a wait of 1 and a half months, the results were out!

The interview: If you’ve made it this far, believe me when I say you deserve appreciation! In this round, the shortlisted candidates were paired with the googlers from around the world to have a 15–20 min long video conversation. The interviewers are quite pleasant. I was a little nervous at first, but my interviewers made sure that I felt at ease in the situation. It wasn’t a technical interview; rather, it was a dialogue to learn more about you and how many truthful statements you made in your CV and essays. And finally, after a wait of 2–3 weeks, we got the results !!!!!

So here are the questions which were asked in the interview:

  1. What challenges I faced while making the projects?
  2. How was leadership demonstrated by me?
  3. The billion-dollar question
  4. Why I took the decision to pursue computer science?
  5. What challenges are faced by the women in tech and how they can be solved?
  6. My experience in the industry
  7. My goals for future
  8. And of course, Do you have any questions for me?

Special Tip: Ask anything from the interviewer when he says “Do you have any questions for me”. Replying “I don’t have any questions for you” doesn’t leave a good impact.

Preparation tips:

  1. For the technical round, practice DSA questions as much as you can to get a good grip.
  2. Be thorough with your resume and essays. You should know each and everything you write there.
  3. Be truthful. To impress the interviewer, don’t be phony during the interview. He has a lot of expertise and will be able to tell if you are telling the truth or not.
  4. Be yourself. Google search for uniqueness in people not for people trying to be someone else!
  5. Prepare a small talk on your outreach initiatives.
  6. Recollect all your challenges.
  7. If possible, try to mention numbers in your conversation. It gives a professional look. For example, “I have completed two internships one on web development and the other as SDE.”

To me, it still feels like a fantastic dream. I’m pleased to be named a Google Scholar for 2022! All of the juniors who will be participating in this program in the coming years have my best and warmest wishes.….. All The Best!

And here we reach the end of this blog! Thank you for reading this blog! I hope it was helpful ;) …….. Do like and share if it helped!

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Google Generation Scholar’22 | Alpha MLSA | Trying to achieve and grow more !!