Macdonald Triad Theory Predicts Serial Killers

Sundas Farid-Fayaz
5 min readAug 31, 2022

Can the Macdonald Triad Theory Predict Serial Killers?

Triad Theory displayed in a triangle with a sad dog at the top, a skull in the middle, fire in the left bottom corner, and water in the right bottom corner.
Macdonald Triad Theory

If you saw my YouTube search history, you’d think I am a serial killer in training and if not, then a definite groupie (believe me, I am neither).

In my suggestions, a video titled “The Macdonald Triad Theory: Predicting a Serial Killer” popped up. Naturally, it grabbed my attention.

With headphones on, I snuggled on the couch, watching the video with intrigue. Although the video explains the theory in exceptional detail and is a must-watch, I had to rely on my old friend, Google, to learn more.

I’ll break it down for you.

J.M Macdonald: Triad’s Founder

A forensic psychiatrist, he studied 100 patients — 52 non-psychotic and 48 psychotic. Of those 55 were men and 45 were women, aged from 11 to 83. All the patients had one thing in common. They had threatened to commit a violent act.

What His Research Revealed?

He published his paper, “The Threat to Kill,” in 1963 and put forth three indicators to spot a serial killer in the making.

The 3 Signs

· Animal abuser
· Arsonist
· Bedwetter

