Rendlesham Forest Binary Coded Message

4 min readMar 2, 2023


Penniston’s notebook with 1s and 0s

I’ve been in cyber security and computer programming for a long time now. Just wanted to tie off a loose end in my ‘things to do’ and it included doing my own independent analysis on the original binary code from Jim Penniston as he disclosed from his notebook in 2010 purportedly from the mysterious craft approached by a security team that Penniston was assigned to in the UFO sighting at Rendlesham Forest UK. Also at issue is Joe Luciano’s interpretation of the binary coded ASCII which I’ll give more information on below.

The coding of the binary message that was translated to ASCII then to English, as I have taken from the “https[:]//www[.]” website, was received telepathically and revealed decades later by the recipient, Jim Penniston from his notebook from that night. The translation is not an exact match and has quite a degree of un-mappable coding with additional ‘interpretation’ from Joe Luciano, who tried to translate this into 8 bit ASCII.

Purported translation of message in 8 bit ASCII by Joe Luciano

As you can see, a simple 8 bit ASCII translation of the original 1s and 0s is much more vague than the ‘interpreted’ message by Luciano:

Due to the context of the purported message that was translated by Luciano, the message contents appear to not have been specifically directed to anyone outside of the occupants’ or craft’s control.

The ASCII character set has gone through multiple changes over the decades and it should also be noted that there is ZERO possibility that alien lifeforms or ‘us’ in the future, should it be ‘time travelers’ would still be using ASCII encoding for any reason. We have actually already stopped using it and have adopted Unicode for binary to language encoding.

It should also be noted that binary doesn’t mean anything without some encoding to your language or to a mathematical problem to show that it is not random. So if an alien or future human civ trying to reach out to us, they could send a series of binary codes that could be easily translated into a base of some other number system, like base10 and do something cute like count ‘2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64’ and give us an indication that this isn’t random ‘blips’ in a carrier frequency. Or if they knew our language and common encoding systems for our language, they could send the binary that would easily translate to our language encoding for direct reading of their message. At this point though, they could just telepathically ‘speak’ it to the recipient in the recipient’s language and keep them from having to decode anything.

But as this story goes, encoded message appears to be what this alleged alien presence did with Penniston. They communicated 1s and 0s to him telepathically so he’d have a message. He wrote it down in a notebook the next day (on or about 12/27/1980).

It seems this was specifically directed to him and humans in 1980 because they sent the message in binary that would somewhat translate to ASCII, but they messed it up as it does not easily translate to english ASCII or any other known Earth language. As mentioned before, the message seemed more in the order of a ‘mission statement’ so no good reason to have projected such a message to Penniston in the first place. But because of the attempted encoding, they wanted him to have it.

Furthermore, in 1980 it appears that they sent 8 bit ASCII when it had not even been invented yet. In 1980, we were still using a 7 bit ASCII encoding that was developed in 1967. The 8 bit ASCII used in this message was not even proposed until 1983 and adopted finally in 1986. Penniston claims to have written this message down in his journal at the time of the incident, or the day after (12/27) in 1980.

Because of the encoding technology used and the timeline of 8 bit ASCII, it is my opinion that he wrote this message down sometime after 1986 and most likely was not from mysterious occupants of the craft. But after consulting chatGPT, it appears that AI holds out for a more mysterious conclusion.

chatGPT says it might be encrypted or encoded in a way it cannot interpret

With all this said, Penniston’s story is a tiny piece of this incident and the other witnesses are incredibly reliable and steadfast in their testimony of that night. This is a very strong case of UAP visitation and is strongly corroborated, except for the binary message piece from Penniston.




Cyber Security, Urban Sherpa, Spiritual Druid and Political Thinker