Photo by m wrona on Unsplash

By Rayleigh (@rayleighdkaiser)

Cryptid Sighting

The following journal entries are cited as a first-hand account of Cryptid F-411N-4 in the third annual conference of the Post-Dawnbreak Community of Science and History. The entries are presented as written a decade ago, from April 23rd to 30th P.D.E. 60, without alterations.

18 min readJul 5, 2024


Day 1


At long last, I arrived at the region of the cryptid sighting. The driver, a local, told me I wasn’t even the tenth to visit the town this month and that he’ll be ferrying two more here tomorrow. If that’s his way of telling me that there’s no hope of finding it, he’s dead wrong. I’ve been studying it since I first heard the legend from my great-grandparents. I don’t care how many “red flags” this place seems to be raising. I’ll make Daniel eat his words when I take a picture of that cryptid. He may believe eight days is far from enough for this trip, but I think otherwise. For now, though, I’ll take a nap. I hope the return flight won’t be as turbulent.


The driver dropped me at the motel around ten minutes earlier, and right now, I’ve settled down in my room. The receptionist was a lovely old lady who offered me a piece of candy. So far, this place isn’t as awful as many made it out to be. The streets are clean, the buildings don’t appear to all be dilapidated, and the street stalls aren’t selling questionable food.

Also, I must say, I was right to take up Kim’s suggestion. This advanced recorder model costs a pretty penny, but it can transcribe what I say quite accurately. I assumed I would have to spend much more effort tweaking the transcript because it couldn’t comprehend my accent.

In any case, the driver certainly wasn’t lying about the abundance of cryptid hunters here. Frankly, they seem more like tourists than anything. Posers, the lot of them. I bet they can’t even list its dietary habits or sleeping cycle. They see a bunch of merchandise of the cryptid, and they’re all hooked. Unlike them, these worthless trinkets mean nothing to me, and it will mean nothing to them when I find the cryptid. I will prove to my parents that this dream is worth chasing, even in this broken world.


Just had lunch, and I’m ready to set off. I admit, I did find the “Cryptid Meal” adorable. Their attempt at creating an image of the cryptid with food is commendable, especially when the dish is delicious, too.

I’ll be hitchhiking for the majority of my trip to the cryptid site and walk the rest. The mistake that all “cryptid hunters” make is carrying too many supplies with them. The trick is to scavenge food in the forest. Sure, it’s not recommended, considering what happened during the way back when, but hey, the vegetation isn’t poisoned. I’d know. Still, I’m not aiming to risk my life on this endeavor, even if it’s my lifelong dream. I suppose I’ll have to be careful.


Found a good spot to rest about a kilometer into the forest. I can’t believe people would rather spend their money on useless souvenir junk than interact with nature. How many people can claim they’ve come this close to a forest so wondrous and authentic before? Idiots, the lot of them, wasting their precious opportunity on tourist traps. That’s probably why Su Jing ended up not joining me. She knows how important this is to me, yet all she can think of is seeing the museum and crap like that. I get it. She doesn’t want to get all dirty, but still…

I guess I’ll buy some souvenirs if I have money left over. Maybe a novelty pen.


Surprise, surprise, I found the old shack that everyone told me I’d be better off not bothering with. Seriously, how difficult did they think finding this place was? Even with incomplete maps, poring over the bits of information people have gathered over the years would’ve been enough to spot it. No wonder Silvia is said to be the last true professional cryptid hunter. I thought the news was exaggerating, but seeing how so many in town couldn’t even reach here, I find it more believable now.

In any case, the shack’s holding up better than I thought. Yeah, there’s mold and dust everywhere, but at least the floor’s intact. Setting up a tent here’s going to be easier than I thought.

I wonder how the previous owner here felt when everything went to shit before they died trying to protect the cryptid.


Had a simple dinner. Bread with jam. With the water collector set up, I was going to plop down to sleep right after, but I suddenly found myself in a writing mood.

How many nights had I dreamt of this moment? Here, in the shack, surrounded by the forest and unpolluted night sky? For so long, I was content never to make the pilgrimage myself, especially when my mother kept yapping about contributing that money to my retirement fund instead of chasing fairy tales. There’s still a long life ahead of me, yet I’m already being asked to think about my epilogue. What a world.

Sometimes, I don’t know what to think about Daniel. He was the most vocal about his belief that the cryptid doesn’t exist, or at least no longer exists, yet he was also the one who supported me the most. I wish he’d give me a straight answer. Maybe a picture of a cryptid will finally make him tell me why.

I still wish Su Jing joined me. Yeah, she’d be distracted, but she’s my first friend who loved the cryptid as much as I do. Although, considering she’s also terrible at directions, maybe her visit here would’ve led to her literal death.

Kim… Thinking back, I feel a little silly to think they’d agree to come with me. However much they love me, I can’t recall the last time they were willing to do something they weren’t interested in. I suppose I’m not too much different from them, but I think I’d at least go along if it’s something they adore…

No, no, I shouldn’t think like this. I should sleep, so I shall.

Day 2


Nothing notable happened last night. I heard a lot of different noises, but I’m certain none of them belonged to the cryptid. My great-grandad got the best impression of it. All his friends said so. As someone who had asked him to do the impression every time we met till he died, I doubt I’ll mistake other sounds for it.

The mist here is quite thick, so I dumped the extra water from the collector into a bowl-shaped thing on the ground. I wonder what that’s for.

Breakfast was the same as last night’s dinner. I’m going to save the meat for lunch, tempted as I was to eat it right away.

The sun’s already rising high as I am writing this, so, later, I’ll be exploring the surrounding area extensively. Once I’m sure the cryptid is nowhere to be found here, I’ll head to The Light. It’s not as exciting to see compared to the cryptid, but Kim’ll probably think otherwise.


Had lunch. Lots of mosquitoes, but I came prepared. No sight of the cryptid yet. One last area to search, then I’ll head back to the shack. Fingers crossed.


I expected this, but I still can’t help but be disappointed. The cryptid is agile, but not even a nibble on the bait? I mixed it myself, dammit!

Then again… this recipe didn’t exactly work for Silvia, either. What was I hoping for?

On another note, my exhaustion is making me more careless. The cryptid is said to be sensitive to any movements nearby, yet earlier, I snapped a dry branch and didn’t register it until seconds later. The heat’s not helping, either.

I’m at the furthest point from the shack in this area right now, and it’s already in the middle of the afternoon. I still need to scavenge food for dinner, so I think I’ll have to head back now. Maybe I’ll set up a few baits along the way back? It might be a waste, though…


Fuck! I know I can be a klutz, but I swear I kept everything out of sight! Is it the cryptid? Did it discover the packed tent I hid under the floor and dragged it out? Or was it some other creature in the forest? There was no sign of the cryptid anywhere around, though. Dammit.

The mark left on the tent seems to match the description of the cryptid a little bit, but…

I’ll look around for an hour and come back to patch up the small hole in the tent. If only the evenings here lasted longer.


Apparently, six months of physical training was not “more than enough.” The instant I returned to the shack, I immediately fell asleep on top of the packed tent. It wasn’t until around twenty minutes earlier that I jolted back up. Thank goodness no dangerous creatures or bugs visited me while I was out like a light.

Had to pull out my torchlight in complete darkness to set up the lamp. I would’ve forwent the water collector if I didn’t down my second last bottle of water as I write this.

Ate a fruit I found on a branch. I think this is the most disgustingly delicious thing I’ve ever eaten. Why is it yellow?

Day 3


I was worried I wouldn’t wake up till the sun was high in the sky, but that didn’t happen. Bread ran out already, so I need to ramp up my scavenging efforts. I wondered why scientists in the past didn’t replicate their efforts here elsewhere. Having fruit, plants, and vegetables everywhere sounds like a great idea. Back when there were vagrants, they would’ve appreciated it immensely.

The fog here remains thick, so water collection is no problem. In fact, there was so much left over that I thought I might as well use it to bathe. Nothing feels better than washing away sticky sweat. The water’s cold, too.

I’ll be heading off to The Light once I’ve got everything packed. Depending on how quickly I can do it, I might set up a few traps nearby. I’d hunt bigger animals for meat, but I doubt my aim is as good as when I’m in the arcade.


Finally arrived at The Light. The journey was quicker than I thought.

I would’ve liked to see this thing in its prime, Kim even more so. It would’ve been a grand sight during the night, its brilliance reaching even into outer space. Then again, it was one of the reasons why things went to shit. Probably not a good idea for me to poke around inside, though I’m tempted. It’s wild to think this is one of the last few places in this world where we can glimpse what the past society might’ve looked like.

Maybe I’ll get lucky here. I heard an inhabitant of this place once —


Goddammit. I’ll have to charge the damn thing when I settle down for lunch.


Holy shit, holy shit, I heard it! I’m damn fucking sure it’s the cryptid! It has to be!

It was uhhh around thirty minutes ago. Yeah, thirty minutes. Arrived at an abandoned building with a wide interior and a bunch of weird chairs about… an hour ago. Started charging this thing and prepped lunch. I spotted some canned foods and cracked one open. It wasn’t spoiled; it didn’t seem like it, at least, so I cooked it and placed it on another plate.

Just as I started dining, I heard it. It was the cryptid’s sound, I’m sure of it, I’m sure! I abandoned my lunch immediately and bolted to the origin. The sound didn’t appear again, but I could hear something running around as my footsteps echoed through this damn place! The best part? My lunch was half-eaten when I came back! The cryptid must’ve lured me away to have a bite! Haha!

I decided to leave the remains of my lunch aside, hoping it’d serve as bait for the cryptid to return. I doubt it, though, as there were numerous accounts stating it has an unpredictable temperament.

Also, it ate the canned food, so that’s good news for me. It means I can stuff myself full with these without worrying about getting a stomachache. Boy, I hope I don’t jinx it.


Good news, I didn’t jinx it. Bad news, I didn’t find the cryptid anywhere, and my half-eaten lunch remained untouched. I might’ve scared it with my crazy hunt.

Compared to yesterday, I wasn’t as exhausted. Thank goodness for the chairs here, even if they were unpleasant to sit on. I think I might need to throw out my pants once I return home. They’ve seen things most haven’t.

I’m not entirely sure why there were so many unopened food cans here in that building when people were supposedly killing each other for them way back when. They weren’t well hidden either. Maybe people back then really didn’t like beans?

In any case, I’ll be having more of those for dinner. The big buildings here may be unsettling to stay in, but at least they don’t smell as bad as the shack. Also, the floor isn’t crooked.

I think I’ll hit the bed after dinner. As for tomorrow, I’ll scan the rest of the town. If only the cryptid makes nests or something. It’ll be so much easier to track them down.

Day 4


I believe I found tracks of the cryptid. There was a small pool of mud near a gigantic white building, and when I was looking around inside, I saw traces of dry mud in a few spots. Yes, the tracks were vague at best; yes, it started and stopped at bizarre locations, but the size fits the description of the cryptid. Granted, there are a few other animals of similar size to the cryptid, but… I have to hope, dammit.

In any case, the tracks are much older than a day, and they seem to lead out of town, so I gotta keep moving forward. Will head in the direction of Prosperity’s Edge tomorrow. Not sure if the cryptid will even dare to wander there, but I have to try.

Oh, also, the fog is thinner here, so I couldn’t bathe. I also took many, many pictures of this place, including spots that I don’t think I’ve seen before. I bet these pictures will sell for a pretty penny once I return. Mom won’t be able to say it’s a completely pointless trip.

Day 5


I see clouds gathering on the horizon. Everyone said the chances of rain are low during this season, but it doesn’t mean the possibility is zero. Shit. If it does rain, then the cryptid’s tracks, at least what I think are its tracks, will become difficult to follow. God, I hope I’m not wrong about following this path and that the sound I heard two days ago doesn’t actually belong to the cryptid somehow. Whatever that thing was, it left nothing for me to track, so as much as I want to follow that thread, it’s a dead end.

Once I’ve loaded all the cans into my bag, I’ll set off.


Arrived on Prosperity’s Edge. I don’t know why they name the places here with fancy titles, considering there’s nothing much here even in the before times.

As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m starting to worry. I only have three more days left, two if I don’t count the trip back. I have to find the cryptid. I have to. I know I said this journey would have been worth it even if I didn’t find it, but I must. I might not have a second chance, and Kim’s… I have to find and photograph it. I really hope I can. I know I’m just another person obsessed with the cryptid, and I am prepared for the worst, but I still…


Well, shit.

On the one hand, I’m glad there were more tracks for me to follow. On the other, there are fuck all signs of the cryptid. I looked everywhere. Everywhere. I’m starting to feel worn out mentally. My desperation is causing more mistakes, like when I almost twisted my ankle while jumping across a roof earlier. That shit was risky, but I thought it’d be worth it if I could catch up to that noise that doesn’t even sound like the cryptid.

Also, I was burning through the cans faster than I thought, so I had to eat a… thing I found in a pond. At least, I think it’s a pond. I took a picture of it, so I’m not describing it here. I suck at that, anyway. It was surprisingly delicious when roasted.

Great, I can hear thunder rumbling in the distance. By god, if it rains tomorrow…

Day 6


Guess what happened. Guess what fucking happened. Yeah. If traveling for kilometers on end under a scorching sun was terrible, then doing the same on a rainy day is ten times worse. I’m not going to lie. I’m despairing. Even though the rain was thankfully light, it still made tracking the cryptid worse, especially because it hates rain too and blends into the environment well in the dark.

I’ve reached the edge, but I couldn’t find the cryptid. I was certain I followed it well, but it just… disappeared. No more tracks. I know it has a tendency to do that, which is why no one has found it yet despite the relatively small size of this area.

I guess I was the idiot after all. Tsk.

Well, there are still the baits and traps, if one can call that, I set up throughout my journey. I can’t take more pit stops on my way back, but I still have enough time to check all of them. Maybe I’ll get lucky with one of them.

Day 7



I went through all the baits and traps.

I checked all the most likely spots it could be hiding in the forest.

I even spent an extra few hours back at The Light, even though I shouldn’t have.

The rain stopped at midday, but the thick clouds never left. Even with an extra bright torchlight, any remaining tracks proved too challenging to follow.

Every part of my body screamed for me to stop hours before I settled back in the shack here. I don’t even have enough strength to cook dinner. In fact, I shouldn’t be speaking and typing at all right now. It’ll only empty my water bottle quicker. But I can’t sleep. My heart hurts too much. I’d tear it out to drop straight into dreamland if I could, so the only thing left that I can do is this.

Reading back my entries, I can’t help but chuckle bitterly at my arrogance. I really thought I’d be the one to find the cryptid. I had to be else I wouldn’t have earned this chance. I had to show everyone I loved this was not a delusion of grandeur, that I knew what I was doing.

What did that get me? Bone-piercing aches across my body, nasty blisters on my feet, and a night in a damp, dilapidated shack with wet clothes.

Mom was right. I was a fool.

I can’t tell how much I cried, what with the raindrops still streaking down my cheek from my hair. I thought it’d be tears of joy I shed, not… this.

I dreamed of this journey for so long. No one believed my great-grandparents or their friends were telling the truth. And as time went on, fewer and fewer people took it seriously, but I never wavered. The cryptid still exists, even if I can’t find it. It has to. If so many things survived That Day, how can a cryptid that nimble and clever failed to escape death? It doesn’t seem possible based on what Great-Grandpa told me.

Great-Grandma often said the cryptid didn’t always have that title back when they were young. I always loved listening to her stories about how great of a companion it was, even if it was a little mischievous at times. I fell in love with it without even seeing it for myself. It’s like… a part of my soul is connected to them. No one around me understood this inexplicable feeling, not even Su Jing, except for Kim. That’s why, even when they seemed skeptical about the cryptid, they always supported me.

When my great-grandparents and their friends all passed, I shouldered the responsibility of proving that the cryptid still existed as a way of carrying a piece of their memory with me. Even when I was born, their eyes still reflected a deep yearning for the past that could never return. That cryptid… They never said it, but I know it symbolized their hope that there’s still a future for the past they cherished.

But I’ve failed them. I failed them all, especially Kim. I should be spending every second I have with them instead of this stupid fucking trip. I did everything right, every damn thing I could, and I had nothing to show for it.

My mind kept replaying the past seven days, demanding I pinpoint what exactly I could’ve done better or did wrong. For the “next time.” Hah. Even if I gain a second chance of returning here, will things turn out differently? Heck, will this place still exist?

I’m so tired, but I still can’t sleep. A part of me still wants to keep moving, keep searching. If my legs weren’t completely numb by now, I’d probably still be out there, wading through disgusting mud and waist-high plants.

I… If there is a god out there… If any kind of higher power exists in this meaningless universe and is listening to me, please show me a miracle. Please. I promise I won’t ask for anything else again in my life. Please, I just want to see it…


I heard it.

I heard the sound the cryptid made.

Even though I was on the verge of falling asleep, I’m certain it’s the cryptid.


It’s here.

I know it.

It’s been pacing back and forth on the roof. I heard it.

I also heard a few raindrops. I can’t believe I’m wishing it would rain again after complaining about it for two days. If it rains now, there’s a good chance it may come in.


Yes! Yes! It rained! Not a lot, but definitely enough to prompt the cryptid to enter the shack! I heard it moving toward the entrance on the roof. I’m so excited that my hands are trembling as I pull out my camera. I’m also whispering as quietly as I can into the recorder to not scare it off. I know I shouldn’t risk it, but this is the only way to keep myself awake.

All windows of the shack have been blocked, so it can only come through the entrance. Now, I just need to remain very still and aim the camera at the entrance.


It’s getting closer. I think it’s at the steps right now. I heard it making its sound in that direction. I just need to not fuck this up. Kim, it’s really happening.

Day 8


I saw it. Its piercing yellow eyes and black iris. Even though I hid myself pretty well, it looked straight at me the moment it stood at the entrance. I can’t make out the rest of its body, but I don’t need to. The eyes and the sound were enough confirmation. I don’t know if I should use flash now because it may run away before I did it, but it’s too dark right now. I need better lighting to capture it in all its glory.

Ha, I can’t believe it. The cryptid of my dreams is right in front of me, and I don’t know what to do. I already took a photo of it in the dark, but it’s not a convincing picture of the cryptid. So, I just stared at it, and it just stared at me.


I can’t hold on any longer. My entire body is screaming for rest, and using flash now won’t guarantee a good picture. Now, I’m just sitting with my legs crossed, slowly drifting to sleep. Is this it? I don’t know why I’m not happier. I’ve seen the cryptid with my own eyes, yet… Maybe my search for a cryptid has become something more than that.

Oh, Kim, I want you to witness this with me so badly…

0130 (?)

Just before I passed out, I saw it stepping toward me, and then… I think it sat on my lap, purring. Great-grandpa will be so happy if he’s still alive. Its fur is so soft…


When I opened my eyes, I saw it standing at the entrance, facing against the rising sun at me. For some reason, I knew what it was allowing me to do. The look in its eyes couldn’t be more obvious. My brain was still hazy, but I was conscious enough to hold my camera, aimed it at the black, furry creature in front of me, and took the photo.

It was beautiful.


I’m now on my way back home. It still felt so surreal, like it was a dream, but the picture in my hand proves it’s not.

I still don’t know if what I did was right, not telling any locals about the sighting of the cryptid. Of course, I wanted to prove that the cryptid was still alive and well, but I didn’t want it to be disturbed either. If I share this picture, there’s no doubt people are going to tear the place apart looking for it. If that happens, then it may truly disappear forever, and I don’t want that.

Maybe, one day, the cryptid’s population will rise, and their return to the world will no longer pose a threat to their survival. For now, I’m content that I was able to take a photo of it and even touch it.

I can’t wait for Kim to see this picture of an adorable cat.

This story was brought to you by Rayleigh(@rayleighdkaiser) of Sundry Scribes, a Malaysian writing collective. Interested? Our Discord is open to writers and readers alike.



Sundry Scribes is a Malaysian writing collective. We write both nonfiction and short fiction topics.