Everything About Google App Engine

Color Orange
2 min readJan 30, 2019


App Engine is one of my all-time favorite offering on Google Cloud Platform

Here I have everything that you need to know about App Engine

What is Google App Engine ?

Google App Engine is Google’s fully managed PAAS offering where developers can build and deploy highly scalable apps. You can scale your application from zero to planet-scale without having worry about managing infrastructure. App Engine lets you focus on code and everything else is provided by the platform.

Quick Introduction Video

What programming languages are supported on Google App Engine ?

1. GO
2. PHP
4. Python
5. NodeJS
6. .NET
7. Ruby
8. Custom Runtime

Why Google App Engine ?

  • Fully managed service with zero ops ( no need to work at infrastructure level at all )
  • Deploy at Google Scale
  • All popular languages support
  • Lots of built-in features such as scaling up/down, logging, monitoring, diagnostics etc.
  • Building quickly and time to market is short
  • Pay only for what you use

Some cool features of App Engine

  • Scale downs to zero when no traffic/requests (Lots of $$$ saving)
  • Focus on writing the code, rest everything is taken care
  • Application version deployment, you can rollback to the previous version within seconds
  • Traffic Splitting: Split your traffic between two different versions. This helps to do A/B testing and incremental feature rollout

What's Best to run on App Engine ?

  • Web Applications
  • Mobile Backends
  • Internal IT Apps
  • IoT
  • FrontEnd and Backend Workload

What I should not run on App Engine ?

  • Stateful storage
  • Genomics
  • Media Rendering
  • Financial Data Analytics
  • VM images

How does pricing works ?

It’s simple. Pay for what you use. There are different size instances available, you can choose based on your requirement and will be charged accordingly.

Some Cool Facts

  • App Engine serves 350+ Billion requests per day
  • The flagship product of Google, Released 10 years back in 2008
  • Scale from zero to millions within seconds
  • Zero Ops PAAS offering

Who is using App Engine ?



App Engine official page

Developer Docs

App Engine Pricing

