Quick start coding in python with non-technical background!

Sunidhi Singhal
2 min readMay 4, 2020


Motivation to get started

Hello Everyone! As an engineer I have always liked giving solutions, struggling while looking for those solutions, taking risks, and never stopping. We always try to finish a task, problem, or an assignment in minimum time. What if we can accomplish all of them through what we say “algorithm” implementation.

Don’t worry if you do not get the term. In simple words, an algorithm is a detailed step-by-step procedure of completing a task. For instance making a cup of tea. We can have different styles of making tea. But what matters is which style prepares the tea in minimum time. Also, other parameters like taste and presentation can be included in the evaluation of the best cup of tea. The main point I want to convey is that Python as a programming language is very efficient, readable, open-source and easy to learn. Imagine, if you want to count the number of words having even length in this paragraph.

It might take a good amount of time to calculate it manually. But Python, through its various built-in methods, functionalities, and our logical approach (algorithm) can compute things in no time.

One can write a program, automate network, create applications, games, web development, and what not!

My Experiences with courses I took

As a beginner, I would suggest taking a course- “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started With Python )” on Coursera. It builds your interest and also gives a basic idea of Python.

Further, you can find many intermediate-level videos on YouTube or take up a course on Udemy with good reviews. The main topics are: Data Types, Control Flow, Functions, File Operations, Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) concepts and Python Tools.

Python is not something to be memorized or to be worked very hard upon. One must find a connection between learning and implementing simultaneously. So, Keep typing your code along with ongoing lectures. What I did was to implement a mini project using Python. You can start with the Tic Tac Toe game. After that continue with practicing Easy level challenges on “hackerrank” . One problem statement can teach you many new concepts.

So all in one Keep practicing and trust yourself. With Electronics background, I worked 3 years in the Networking domain and now I am pursuing a Master’s in Computer Science. New domain can be initially difficult but worth all patience and challenges.

This was my first blog on Medium. I hope you found it interesting and informative. Will share Topic-wise Python notes in coming blogs!

Thanks for reading. Please give your valuable feedback.

