Mastering the Art of Writing Course Outcomes (COs): A Complete Guide

Dr. Sunil kumar Jangir
9 min readSep 8, 2024


“In teaching, it’s not just what you cover that matters, but what your students walk away being able to do.”

As educators, especially in engineering and technical fields, our role goes beyond delivering content. The challenge lies in ensuring students gain the necessary skills and competencies to apply what they’ve learned in the real world. This is where Course Outcomes (COs) come into play, forming the backbone of an effective, outcome-based educational experience.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the principles of writing strong, measurable COs, highlight common mistakes, and offer a clear path to designing outcomes that align with program goals and benefit both professors and students.

1. Introduction: Why Course Outcomes Matter

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is increasingly becoming the standard in higher education, particularly in technical disciplines. The focus has shifted from what professors teach to what students are expected to achieve by the end of a course. This shift ensures students leave with a measurable set of skills and knowledge that can be applied in their professional careers.

At the heart of this system lies Course Outcomes (COs), which are essential because they:

  • Guide course planning: COs dictate what content should be covered and how it should be assessed.
  • Provide clarity for students: COs clearly communicate what students should focus on and how their learning will be evaluated.
  • Ensure alignment with accreditation standards: COs help institutions meet the accreditation requirements, such as those set by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

However, writing effective COs requires thoughtful planning and an understanding of both Program Outcomes (POs) and broader educational goals.

2. Key Principles for Writing Effective COs

To help you design meaningful and impactful COs, let’s break down the critical elements of the process:

A. Start with COs, Not the Syllabus

One of the most common mistakes educators make is creating a syllabus and then trying to fit COs around it. Instead, write COs first. This approach ensures the course is purposefully designed to meet specific learning outcomes.

Good Practice:

  • Define what students should be able to do by the end of the course.
  • Build your syllabus, assessments, and teaching methods around these outcomes.

B. Avoid Unit-Specific COs

Another frequent error is linking COs directly to individual units or chapters, such as “CO1 for Unit 1.” This fragments learning and limits the scope of each outcome. Instead, COs should be broad enough to span multiple topics across the course.

Good Practice:

  • Each CO should address a broader learning objective that integrates knowledge across multiple units.


  • Incorrect: “Students will understand the basics of Unit 1 concepts.”
  • Correct: “Students will analyze different software lifecycle models and apply the appropriate model based on project requirements.”

C. Use Action Verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a helpful framework for writing COs, particularly when focusing on higher-order cognitive skills. Aim for verbs like apply, analyze, evaluate, and create to encourage deeper learning and real-world application.


  • Lower-order skill: “Understand software design principles.”
  • Higher-order skill: “Apply modular design principles to develop efficient software architectures.”

D. Align COs with Program Outcomes (POs)

COs should not exist in isolation. They need to align with the broader Program Outcomes (POs) of the degree program. This ensures that every course contributes to developing key competencies like problem-solving, critical thinking, and professional communication.

Good Practice:

  • Map each CO to one or more POs using a Course-Outcome Matrix, ensuring your course contributes to the overall goals of the program.

3. Writing COs for Tier-1 and Tier-2 Institutions

In India, educational institutions fall into two main categories: Tier-1 (autonomous institutions) and Tier-2 (non-autonomous or university-affiliated institutions). The process of writing COs differs slightly depending on the level of autonomy the institution has.

A. For Tier-1 Institutions (Autonomous)

Tier-1 institutions have the flexibility to design their own syllabi, allowing for greater alignment between COs and POs. Here’s the step-by-step process for crafting COs in an autonomous institution:

  1. Start with Program Outcomes (POs):
  • Review the POs for your program and identify how your course supports these broader goals.
  • For instance, a Software Engineering course might contribute to POs related to problem-solving, software design, and project management.
  1. Draft COs Based on Desired Skills:
  • Write six COs that define what students should be able to do by the end of the course.
  • Example: “Students will apply software lifecycle models to plan and manage software development projects.”
  1. Design the Syllabus Around the COs:
  • Once you’ve defined your COs, create a syllabus that supports those outcomes. Ensure your lessons, assignments, and exams align with the skills outlined in the COs.
  1. Map COs to POs:
  • Use a Course Articulation Matrix to map your COs to the POs. This will ensure that every course contributes to the broader program objectives.

B. For Tier-2 Institutions (Non-Autonomous)

In Tier-2 institutions, the syllabus is typically set by a university, so there’s less flexibility. However, COs can still be designed effectively by focusing on the broader learning objectives of the course.

  1. Examine the University-Provided Syllabus:
  • Review the given syllabus and identify the key concepts and skills that students should take away.
  1. Draft Broad COs:
  • Avoid writing COs for each individual unit or chapter. Instead, focus on broader outcomes that students should achieve after completing the entire course.
  • Example: “Students will design a software project plan using COCOMO estimation techniques.”
  1. Align COs with POs:
  • Even though the syllabus is fixed, you can still map your COs to relevant POs using a Course Articulation Matrix. This ensures that the course contributes meaningfully to the degree program’s overall objectives.

4. Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Writing COs

Now that we’ve discussed the essential principles, let’s address some common mistakes that can undermine the effectiveness of your COs:

Blunder 1: Writing One CO per Unit/Chapter

Many professors make the mistake of creating a CO for each chapter or unit, but this limits the depth and breadth of learning. COs should cover broader learning goals that encourage students to connect ideas across the entire course.

Blunder 2: Focusing Only on What Students Will Learn

Writing COs that only mention what students will learn without explaining what they will do with that learning is a missed opportunity. COs must go beyond knowledge acquisition and describe how students will apply what they’ve learned.


  • Incorrect: “Students will understand risk analysis techniques.”
  • Correct: “Students will apply risk analysis techniques to estimate project risks in software development.”

Blunder 3: Writing Vague COs

Vagueness leads to confusion for both students and faculty. COs must be specific, measurable, and action-oriented.

Blunder 4: Missing Higher-Order Thinking

If your COs only address recall or basic understanding, you’re not challenging your students enough. Strive to include higher-order skills like applying, analyzing, and creating.

5. Actionable Takeaways for Professors

To ensure that your COs are both effective and aligned with OBE principles, here are some key takeaways:

  • Start with COs, Not the Syllabus: Write your COs before planning the course content. This ensures that everything you teach is directed towards achieving measurable outcomes.
  • Avoid Unit-Specific COs: Write COs that span the entire course and encourage the integration of knowledge from multiple areas.
  • Use Bloom’s Taxonomy: Focus on higher-order skills like analyzing, evaluating, and creating to challenge your students and encourage deep learning.
  • Align with Program Outcomes: Always map your COs to the POs of the degree program. This ensures consistency and a clear contribution to the student’s overall development.
  • Aim for Six COs: Six well-crafted COs strike the right balance between being comprehensive and focused.

6. Conclusion: A Call to Action for Educators

Writing effective Course Outcomes (COs) is not just about meeting accreditation requirements — it’s about ensuring your students gain the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the real world. By following these principles and avoiding common mistakes, you can design courses that truly engage students and prepare them for the challenges ahead.

Remember, a well-written CO:

  • Empowers students: It gives them clarity on what they need to achieve and how to get there.
  • Guides your teaching: It helps you structure your content, choose appropriate teaching methods, and design assessments that reflect real learning.
  • Contributes to program success: It ensures that your course fits into the broader picture of your institution’s goals, helping to meet both program and accreditation standards.

Steps to Write COs for Software Engineering

Let’s now apply these principles to craft well-suited COs for a Software Engineering course using the syllabus provided.

Azure Notebook

Software Engineering Syllabus

  1. Introduction, software life-cycle models, software requirements specification, formal requirements specification, verification and validation.
  2. Software Project Management: Objectives, Resources and their estimation, LOC and FP estimation, effort estimation, COCOMO estimation model, risk analysis, software project scheduling.
  3. Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis principles, Software prototyping and specification data dictionary, FSM models.
  4. Software Design: Design fundamentals, modular design, architectural and procedural design, design documentation.
  5. Object Oriented Analysis: Object-oriented modeling and design, UML, class relationships, object modularization.

1. Analyze the Syllabus

The first step is to break down the key components of the syllabus and identify the main skills students should acquire. In this case, the Software Engineering course covers:

  • Software lifecycle models: Introducing students to various models like waterfall, agile, and spiral.
  • Requirements engineering: Formal specification and verification techniques.
  • Project management: Estimation techniques (COCOMO, LOC, FP), risk analysis, and scheduling.
  • Design: Modular design, architecture, and documentation.
  • Object-Oriented Analysis: Using UML and object modularization.

2. Apply Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Next, use action verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy to define what students should do with the knowledge they gain. For example:
  • Applying: “Apply COCOMO estimation techniques to estimate software project effort.”
  • Analyzing: “Analyze different software lifecycle models and choose the appropriate one for a project.”
  • Creating: “Design modular software systems using object-oriented principles and UML.”

3. Draft the Course Outcomes (COs)

  • Now, we can craft six COs that reflect the holistic learning goals of the course. Each CO will integrate multiple units and emphasize higher-order thinking skills.
  • CO1: “Students will analyze and compare different software lifecycle models to select the appropriate model for specific project requirements.”
    Bloom’s level: Analyze
  • CO2: “Students will apply COCOMO estimation techniques and perform risk analysis to manage software project scheduling and resources.”
    Bloom’s level: Apply
  • CO3: “Students will design software prototypes using finite state machine (FSM) models and structured analysis techniques to model complex systems.”
    Bloom’s level: Create
  • CO4: “Students will develop modular software architectures and document their designs using industry-standard best practices.”
    Bloom’s level: Create
  • CO5: “Students will use object-oriented design principles and Unified Modeling Language (UML) to create scalable and maintainable software systems.”
    Bloom’s level: Create
  • CO6: “Students will evaluate software requirements and verification techniques to ensure accurate and reliable software development.”
    Bloom’s level: Evaluate
Coordinating Activity

Key Concepts for Writing COs

When writing these COs, several key concepts are central to ensuring they are effective:

  • Bloom’s Taxonomy: Use higher-order action verbs like “analyze,” “apply,” “evaluate,” and “create” to push students beyond rote memorization and engage them in real-world applications of the material.
  • Action-Oriented Verbs: Ensure that COs focus not only on what students will learn, but also on what they will do with that knowledge. This keeps the focus on practical, measurable outcomes.
  • Broad Learning Goals: Avoid linking COs directly to individual units or chapters. Instead, design them to cover broader aspects of the course, integrating multiple concepts and encouraging students to connect ideas.
  • Alignment with POs: Always map COs to relevant Program Outcomes to ensure the course contributes to the overarching goals of the program.

4. Align COs with Program Outcomes (POs)

Finally, create a Course-Outcome Matrix to map these COs to the broader Program Outcomes (POs) of your engineering program. For example, CO1 could map to PO2 (Problem Analysis) and PO3 (Design/Development of Solutions), ensuring that the course directly supports key program goals like problem-solving and software design.

By following these steps, professors can craft well-structured COs that not only guide students through the course content but also help them achieve the competencies required for their future careers. Incorporating Bloom’s Taxonomy ensures that students are encouraged to move beyond basic recall, pushing them to analyze, apply, and create solutions in real-world software engineering contexts.

So, the next time you sit down to design a course, start by asking yourself: What do I want my students to walk away with? Craft your COs around that answer, and build your syllabus and assessments from there. Your students — and your institution — will thank you for it.

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Dr. Sunil kumar Jangir

Certified Scrum Master®| Certified Scrum Product Owner®| Agile Project Management | Mentor