Top Marijuana/Cannabis Domain Names for Business Brands and Companies

sunil rai
7 min readSep 17, 2019


Marijuana/Cannabis Domain Names

With the growing legalization of Cannabis, Cannabis stores, shops and companies are increasing in number. However, good Marijuana/Cannabis domain names are scarce due to which it is becoming difficult to choose a good name for a Cannabis LLC, INC or store. Move over to any domain name registrar (Like Godaddy, Namesilo) and search for your desired CBD domain names OR Marijuana Domains, you will find that most of the time, your domain search will yield the result “Not Available” which means it has already been booked. In this post, we have covered everything on the topic of CBD/Marijuana domain names.

How to Come up With Good Cannabis Brand/Business Names?

On many sites that list CBD/Marijuana company names and suggestions, either the name is outright crap or it is no longer available. To get a cool, clever and brandable cannabis name, it is much better to search for sites that have an active and sorted list of cannabis/weed domain names for sale.

Marijuana/Cannabis Domains for Sale

Some of the premium cannabis/marijuana domains are listed for sale below:


CBD domain name —

With the domain name “” selling for $500k (50 thousand dollars), the self-descriptive ULTRA-PREMIUM cannabis domain name is one of the rare domain names which you can use for your CBD business. is one of the rare CBD domain names that can strongly position your CBD brand.



names for a CBD business —

If you are a fan of creative brand names, then is a short and perfect fit for your CBD company. “Cannabya” is one of the short, creative and catchy names for a CBD business/company.



Cannabis Business Names —

A memorable and descriptive name for a weed-based business. The keywords “buy”, “order”, “purchase” are few keywords which carry a call to action connotation and thereby have a huge demand when it comes to domain names. can be your best choice if you have been looking for weed business names or weed company names.



“Touchwood” is a common word used for “Good Luck”. “TouchWeed” is an attractive and creative name made from the word “Touchwood”. It can also be a great name for a weed vending machine/weed ATM. So if you have been searching for high-quality weed domains or weed brand names, then “TouchWeed” can be your perfect weed company name.


Marijuana Domains

Marijuana domain names have seen an increased demand lately as most of the premium and catchy marijuana domains are already booked by domain brokers and marijuana companies. However, you can find a few of these marijuana domains for sale at domain marketplaces like

CBD Business Names

If you are in search of good CBD company names, then “” can be your best investment as it is memorable and contains a brand value. Even though you can try to come up with your own CBD business names, finding available cannabis domains is not that easy.

Why you must pay careful attention to your Cannabis business name?

Companies that do not pay attention to select a proper domain name initially understand it later when they feel the difficulties in branding and marketing their business. Some companies even opt to rebrand at a later stage which causes an economic and operational burden. This is why it is better to opt for good-quality premium cannabis domains rather than looking for CBD domain names at a later stage.

For any Cannabis business or startup, one of the primary tasks is to come up with a creative and catchy marijuana/cannabis brand name. Most of the big brands choose short names (10–12 letters) as it has multi-dimensional benefits in branding and marketing. Top companies like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mozilla, NetFlix, BabyGear, Expedia have opted for short names as it becomes easy to type a short name in the browser and short names have a high recall value and brand factor. The same must be kept in mind while choosing marijuana domains/CBD company names.

Things You Must Consider Before Naming Your Cannabis or Marijuana Business

If you are selecting names for your CBD business or an upcoming cannabis/CBD/hemp brand, then you must look at whether the name fits the criteria listed below:

1. Is the name brandable?

If you have selected a name for your CBD/cannabis company, then you must first pay attention to the brand appeal of the given name. Does your selected brand name match well with the industry and the demography of people who will be your customers? If your potential customers will be mainly in the young age group, then having a creative yet professional name is more relevant. If your potential customers are mainly in the old age group, then having real-life, formal and self-descriptive words in your brand name is more suited. Further, your weed/CBD domain name must not contain hyphens or unrelated words like “video weed”, “trunk CBD”, “cannabis mineral” etc. because such combinations sound unprofessional and vague. Further, do not use numbers in your marijuana domain as it is hard to remember numbers and people looking for your marijuana domain name might get confused if they forget the numbers used in your marijuana brand name.

2. Is your hemp/CBD brand name short?

The human mind processes simple-sounding names and words better and therefore length is a crucial factor while naming a brand. Longer domain names are usually linked with small, niche affiliate sites. Short domain names have the following benefits:

a. It is easier for people to remember short domain names.

b. Short domain names are easier to type in a browser and the chances of typing mistakes in short names are less.

c. Short names have an intrinsic brand value because most big brands opt for short brand names.

d. The economic value of short domain names is high due to the scarcity of short names. So you can also sell your CBD domain name at a later stage and can recover the cost if you decide to move out to another venture.

Shorter names have a high recall value and it is therefore much better to adopt a short cannabis domain.

3. Is your brand name intuitive?

When people see or hear your brand name, will they be able to get an idea of the type of business or service? For example: is a generic and random combination and does not convey a clear picture of the type of product/service associated with the name whereas conveys the idea that the domain name is linked to writing service. So your CBD domain name must convey a clear idea.

4. Can people easily pronounce your domain name?

Even though most people visiting your CBD/marijuana business website will find it online via search engines, ads or any other means, the pronounceability of your brand name will be a crucial factor in positioning your brand appeal. Hard to pronounce names have a weak and unattractive appeal as our cognitive functions are influenced by words and patterns. For example: the term “CBD domain names for sale” is easy to pronounce and hence people hearing this term can easily type it in their browser.

5. Is your brand name available in .com?

Whenever it comes to select the domain name extension, then having a .com domain name is very crucial because people have become used to type .com at the end of any company name. Today, there are plenty of domain name extensions like .report, .xyz, .io, .co, .one, but if you decide to choose a non .com domain name then it can lead to loss of visitors and revenue because many people have the habit to append .com at the end of a website name. There are many such examples where companies had opted to acquire the .com version of their name to stop traffic and revenue loss. However, the chances of getting the .com version of your website at a later stage are difficult because the current owner of the name may not be willing to sell it. Therefore, it is recommended to start your website name with a .com extension to prevent any hassles in the future.

6. Is your name available to register?

You may think over several names and ideas for your cannabis company/brand, but when you decide to register the name, you may find that the name has already been sold and is no longer available. Once you find a good domain name, make sure to buy it soon because thousands of domain names are registered and sold every single day and delay in buying a name will cause unnecessary wastage of time and money again.

7. Is your name infringing on any trademark?

Though the trademark-related issue is one of the least cared elements when people buy domain names, it can cause legal problems in the future. Many big companies are securing their brand names and if your brand name infringes any trademarked name, then an entire set of new problems will emerge for your company/brand. Be sure to check if your CBD company name is already trademarked by any other brand.

Why domain names gain so much importance?

Marketing in the 21st century is no longer dependent on traditional offline methods. Nowadays brands and companies pay attention even to the most subtle aspects of a company because small things if ignored can have a big negative impact in the future. A catchy and creative marijuana brand name will be the first impression builder of your company/business and hence proper attention must be paid to it. The choice of colors, words and patterns have a different level of impact on our choices and decision making, therefore, having a good marijuana domain name is essential for your brand.

