The Power of Intention: Can We Actually Influence Our Own Reality?

Sunil Bagai
4 min readMay 17, 2018

According to recent research, the power of your mind has a very real influence on the events that occur in your daily life. The validity of this theory can be traced back to a scientist named Alexander Gurwitsch who discovered biophotons, light emitted from living cells of plants, animals, and humans alike. These biophotons are only visible in the ultraviolet and low visible light range, and are usually very faint, but studies have shown that when there is a focused intent, the emissions increase. This is just one of many discoveries that support the theory of the Law of Attraction and the power of human intention.

Intention According to the Law of Attraction

Since the 19th century, the New Thought movement has strived to create awareness of a certain power that we are all born with: shaping the events around us with the power of our minds. This group believes that we are able to influence what happens in our lives through the use of intentions and affirmations via what they and many others know as the law of attraction. They believe that, through positive, intentional thought, we are able to send our desire out into the universe which, on hearing our clearly sent request, grants it.

The law of attraction, which was popularized by the New Thought movement, dictates that like attracts like, that positivity sent out brings positivity back to us. And likewise, negativity sent out attracts negativity. According to their beliefs, the physical energy sent out through our thoughts has the potential to literally alter and shape our life path.

Many experiments have shown the power of human thought. One of the most notable is the effects that various mantras had on water. When the water was frozen, distinctive shapes could be seen when examined closely. Similar experiments have been conducted using rice. Assuming this is happening all around us, all the time, what would be the case if a bunch of people grouped together and sent the same intention all at the same moment? That’s exactly what Lynne McTaggart wanted to find out with the research she conducted and eventually wrote a book about titled: The Intention Experiment

How Could Group Intention Influence the Future?

Experiments conducted by Lynne McTaggart, using scientific methods to do so as thoroughly and equitably as possible, have produced incredible results — barring the possibility that these could all have been coincidences over and over again. From encouraging a particular group of seeds to grow taller than the other control groups, to sending peaceful intentions to violent regions in the world, each experiment produced positive findings. According to these remarkable results, positive intentions can have an impressive and very real impact on future events.

McTaggart’s group intention experiments were carefully coordinated with members around the world who were all given a specific time, date, and intention to focus on. As each member of the group concentrated individually and sent out their positive intentions to the intended target. With so many individual intentions happening at once, the positive energy culminated as one. This culmination had the ability to positively influence and impact the target of the intentions, as is shown in McTaggart’s studies.

This type of group intention effort could also potentially have an impact on future and even past events according to a study conducted by Leonard Leibovici, who demonstrated a potential retroactive influence through positive intention. This suggests that the intentions emitted are not necessarily dependant on time as a factor, but rather the energy and space that is created; a space that is full of possibilities and healing, one that only appears when a group is all sending the same intention together. If this is true, together, with the power of our minds, we can literally transcend time to shape reality.

What Happened to the Participants of McTaggart’s Experiments?

Participants of the collective positive intentions were encouraged to behave altruistically. They reported that when acting with intent on the behalf of others, they began to feel better; their health improved, personal connections were better, and overall feelings of wellbeing rose. Is it possible that, when individuals are not focusing purely on the self, they are also able to benefit from the potential power of positive thought?

Participants of the Peace Intention Experiment claimed that the experience of working together with strangers around the world had improved their overall interactions with strangers in their day to day lives. So, not only does the altruistic act of sending out positive intention benefit the target, but also the sender.

What are the Implications of These Discoveries?

Consider a world in which affirmative group intent can bring peace, health, and happiness. We really do have the power to shape the world around us, as proven by numerous experiments. The real power of positive intention on a large scale can hardly be fathomed, but it has the potential to change all humankind for the better.

How Does Sending Intent Work?

According to McTaggart, if you want to try sending your intentions to someone or for something, you should clear you mind and then focus on only that for around 10 mintues. Visualize what it is you’re trying to accomplish and make it as real in your mind as possible. If you truly believe that it will happen, according to mounding research, it eventually will. The old saying, ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’ seems to hold true for those who are persistant. And if we can combine our efforts for the greater good of our world, positive change can and will take place.

