Introduction of Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Deep Learning,Data Science

Sunil Kumar Reddy
2 min readJul 20, 2023

Definition of Artificial Intelligence:

A technique which enables machines to mimic human behaviour.

Definition of Machine Learning:

Machine learning is a process which uses the previous data as input and it will train the machine by using that data it will predict the output.

In machine learning there are three types of algorithms .They are:

  1. supervised algorithm
  2. unsupervised algorithm
  3. reinforcement algorithm

Definition of Deep Learning:

Deep learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that tries to mimic the way our brains process information. It involves using computer algorithms, called neural networks, to learn patterns and features from large amounts of data.

Definition of Data Science:

Data Science is nothing but science which deals with data.Data Science is the Process of Extracting the Knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data by using scientific methods.

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills and scientific methods (Mathematics & Statistics Methods) to extract knowledge and insights from structural and unstructured data.

