Sunil Saldanha of V-care — Reasons to take help from a financial planner

Sunil Saldanha
3 min readJun 25, 2018


Nobody wants their hard-earned money to go in vain, but more people suffer from that fate than one can imagine. This mainly happens because of lack of proper financial decisions and good advices, according to Sunil Saldanha of V-care. Wrong investments and insufficient earmarking of funds can lead to financial catastrophes of a large extent. These events are hard to avoid once you are knee-deep into it, and then the inevitable consequence is you losing a whole lot of money which would have otherwise made you richer. To avoid such situations, the best way to go is to seek help of financial planners.

They will help you decide where to allocate and invest your money and reduce the changes of risk. Here are 5 reasons why you need to entrust financial planners with your money.

  1. They are professional and experienced

Most people who do their own finances fall back to online advices and referrals for assistance, or seek help from peers. In both cases, there is a high chance of you being misguided. It is best to hire a financial planner for your precious money for the same reason you would visit a doctor if you are sick — for expertise. Sure, anyone who has ever been sick can also tell you the name of a medicine that might work, but you would not consider it good enough to follow blindly.

2. They take the effort off your hands

Finances can be a big headache, higher the amount, more difficult the situation to bring under control. It is not only tough, but can be almost incomprehensible to someone who has no idea of the financial concepts and terminologies. This is why you need a financial planner to do it for you. You will not need to put in the time or effort to do them yourself, and utilise that for your work, business or personal chores.

3. They help you set the goal

As amateurs, people often underestimate or overestimate their amounts, and they might not match with the goals you have in mind. Financial planners or advisers like Sunil Saldanha of Thane help you to set a figure to your goal and quantify it for you. Thus you get a clear idea of what is possible and what is not without any confusion, and invest the money accordingly.

4. They offer you the very essential neutral opinion

While doing your own finances, there is a tendency of emotions interfering with the decisions. Same is the case if you ask a family member or relative. They might encourage you in a decision that has no future only because you are passionate about it. But you cannot afford to go down that road with your money. That is where the planners step in to assist you, and tell you directly from right to wrong.

5. Their services are customised
Financial decisions can be like fingerprints, no two have the same. It will all depend on your amount and ambitions, and it is better to trust the planners to come up with an idea tailor-made for you only.



Sunil Saldanha

Sunil Saldanha is Director Marketing at EmProcell Clinical Research Private Limited.