How to be a good kid?

4 min readApr 9, 2020


qualities of a good child

I always thought to be good from my childhood. I never tortured my parents by asking for many things.

Even when I became the victim of a broken family after the divorce of my parents, I didn’t break myself. My only aim was to be a good kid to all who always respects others.

Everyone used to admire me as I had no desire for toys and money. I used to be happy with what I could get from my parents.

But life does not go in the same way always and it happened to me too.

I had to take the bitter taste at last. I was sent to my maternal grandparent's house and I had to leave my parents when I was only eight years old.

Life is not rosy always with older people. Though they used to love me so much, they had some financial barrier.

They used to try their best to spend on my education but I knew their situation best.

My tuition fees of the teachers used to get due. As I was the first boy in my class, so my teachers used to adore me more. They arranged half of the tuition for my study.

Some of the teachers gave me even free tuition. I will never forget them and remember them with gratitude.

All that was possible because I was so cordial and not arrogant to anyone.

My friends also tried their best to support me.

But you know, from my core of heart I used to feel to do something so that I could bear my own expenses with honour and dignity.

At that time there was no internet in our locality. So, I could not think of searching how to make money fast as a kid what most of the kids are doing now.

So, When I was 12 years old I used to teach some students who were junior to me. I used to solve their Mathematics and English grammar related problems and their parents would provide me with some money.

Using that money I used to buy pencils and copies.

I remember the first time when saving some money I bought a gift for my grandmother. It was a happy moment for me because I could gift my dearest one something even that gift was smaller in size but gave me much pleasure.

I understood the true happiness lies not doing something for myself but it lies in sacrifice for others.

So, if you really want to be a good kid then from my perspective you should do the following.

  1. Always show priority to your study because only this can add value to your life. If you can add value to your life then you can add value to the lives of others. Even when your schools are out, you can listen kids podcasts to learn something new.
  2. Respect every people. Then, they will respect you too. Will, you do not love to hear when the grocery shopper uncle of your locality will discuss positive thing about you with others? I think you will enjoy it so much because the same thing happened to me too.
  3. In your free time, try to earn some money. Try to help your family. Though it can be little you will find that this skill is helping you shape your life in future. Practical knowledge is the most important thing. So, try to gather it as early as possible.
  4. The most important thing is to never to show hatred to your parents. You are in this beautiful world only because of them. Sometimes they stop making your life perfect to teach you new things so that you can deal with the reality of life. So, love them so much even they fail to carry out their duties. Sometimes, the situation doesn’t go in the same way. Perhaps they are the victim of fate. It will be best to forgive them for the joy of your life. Remember grudge doesn’t bring happiness.
  5. Avoid bullying. You can’t imagine how much this can hurt people. Perhaps, they will never forgive you because of this in their whole life.
  6. Try to make newer friends and try to connect with newer people every day. It will help you to shape your career in future. Keep good relation with everyone but try to make at least five best friends having good character. They will take you to the right place. Keep in mind human beings are judged by their company. So, keep good company.

What I have shared with you here, I experienced those all. So, I hope if you follow those then you will be considered as a good kid everywhere too. See I am 28 years old now. But, as I used to be a good kid that’s why my village neighbours talk about me yet. When I visit my village I go to their houses too. And they remind me about my childhood.

That’s for today. Share your experience with me if you have any. I will love to hear from you because I love you so much!




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