Happy Tuesday!

It is Tuesday, isn’t it?

Randomly Me
1 min readAug 7, 2018

In honor of this momentous occasion, I am taking the rest of the day off!

I’ve thought of little else but work for days and days and days, so I’ve shut down the work email, put away the planner, and am heading outside for adventure.

Okay, maybe not adventure.

But, definitely wild things like butterflies and hummingbirds and flowers and such whatnot, as Insideout would say. (Tagging him for fun just to see how many weeks it takes before he realizes he’s got a notification!)

Maybe, if it’s not too hot, I’ll do some shoveling. I spread some mulch the other day, and it felt fabulous!

Or, maybe I’ll just finish my book and catch up on Murder, She Wrote, because I’m weird that way.

But, the point is, for the rest of today, I’m going to do whatever the heck I feel like doing.

Because I still can.

Today, I celebrate my freedom.



Randomly Me

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. ~Lao Tzu