Brief about the winged wonders of Rastrapati Bhawan.

Thomas Mathew
3 min readJun 4, 2022


In this article, I would like to talk about one of the most famous books by Thomas Mathew the winged wonders of Rastrapati Bhawan.

“Dr. Thomas Mathew has more than a year got on camera and documented 111 sorts of birds that have or visit the Rastrapati Bhawan Estate, the power home of the President of India, arranged in New Delhi, India. The book causes them to incapacitate visuals including an interesting one of the sentiment of Indian Koels. Of the overall large number of birds chronicled, the public bird — the Indian Peafowl — is among the most situated in Rastrapati Bhawan. It has “a supernatural, raising effect on all of us as it traipses through our environs.

The ongoing book adds hugely to the ongoing composing concerning the matter, particularly concerning the President’s Estate. For all of the creature assortments recorded, the book gives the region, date, and time of the finding. It moreover conveys forward an earlier report done in 2002–03 on 91 kinds of birds in Rashtrapati Bhavan by the Bombay Natural History Society and conveyed as a book in 2007 during the residency of President Abdul Kalam.

The Rashtrapati Bhavan has extraordinary open spaces, wood cover, and a huge number of the normal item-bearing plants and trees that go probably a magnet for birds. Winter is the period when most transient birds visit India. The part of most Palearctic drifters through the Delhi area occurs in September. The local homeless people in like manner compartment in late February and early March. To work with the cycle and add to the arrangements of birds in the Estate, both tenant and transient, we have been upgrading the ordinary vegetation that at this point exists here. As well as laying out truly sprouting and fruiting trees, we are furthermore attempting to make wetlands that will blend in with our normal climate. These activities, it is trusted, will extend the bird people as well as decidedly influence the overall environment and individual fulfillment in the President’s Estate.”

Other than that he additionally consistently composes assessment pieces for driving dailies on foreign relations, corporate methodology, and safeguard, among others. Thomas Mathew and Rastrapati Bhawan is a relationship that has never been broken as he likewise composed a book that contains around 500 photos and all the photographs are clicked by him. The book’s name is ‘winged marvels of Rastrapati Bhawan’ as was given to numerous world chiefs like the previous leader of America Barak Obama and current Russian president Vladimir Putin. Every one of the New Year’s gifts sent by our late president was the photos clicked by Thomas Mathew. Presently he is right now chipping away at the approved account of Ratan Naval Tata which is distributed by HarperCollins in November 2022.

As a dedicated reader of Thomas Mathew, I read this book also and I would say that it takes a lot of effort and dedication to publishing a book like this. Clicking all the photos by him is a very big achievement do as he was busy with all his work and then after that trying to manage to click 500 photos shows the dedication of this man. As a reader, it’s such an honor to know about our Rastrapati Bhawan and the visiting birds in our country from other countries or continents that are very rarely seen in these kinds of places. And as a reader, I am also waiting to read one of the most amazing biographies of all time on Ratan Tata by Dr. Thomas Mathew.

