Stop Phrase and Broad Match Modifier Keywords from Unnecessarily Spending On The Close Variant With This Script

5 min readJun 9, 2020


Phrase and Broad Match Modifier Keywords

A recent upgrade of Google’s algorithm has completely transformed the way keywords were recognized. Contents having keywords with extended similar meanings for the different variants of the same word or a broad match modifier. Plurals, stampings, word changes, and misspelling will all be treated as a fair keyword, and synonyms will also trigger BMM and phrases. Content creators who prefer to make use of exact keywords that match the data will face a major blow in the way they work.

To fill up this gap specially designed cool it can be utilized to work around Google’s new set of algorithms.

Google has been speaking for identifying exactly matching words for quite some time now. Initially, misspellings, stemming, and plurals were allowed but they decided to go a step further by modifying function words and what sequence that will trigger the intended keyword.

Back in 2018, they came up with another major change that allowed only e exact matches or same meaning terms. Irrespective of the paraphrase no one has to include the word or a synonym. If Google identifies it has an “intended” term for the search word it will trigger the keyboard. The recent change has made things even more difficult as the close variants will be treated as BMM keywords.

Why is precise miss matching creating a problem?

This semantics will come into play, some might think that plurals for the sequence of the world will not make much of a difference but professionals working with paid search items know its value. For a better understanding consider terms like “ hotels Dubai”, “Dubai hotels” and “Dubai hotel” earlier which of these terms would freshen a different breed based on the respective value.

The new set of restrictions for close variants will also include intent searches that further aggravated the situation. It will make BMM keywords a lot more indistinguishable from the actual match. Although Google claims that advertisers are supposed to witness growth in sales from the keywords and phrases. Some of the Google ad users have also reported a rise in consumer engagement.

PPC professionals mostly depend upon accurate, granular details for optimizing advertisements that help them in delivering the best performance. Keywords are also the most efficient way of bringing traffic to a website. The new set of changes has resulted in the loss of organic traffic due to less accurate keywords. It has also affected the capabilities of placing accurate bids and directing traffic.

Numerous users have already pleaded to Google to make these changes an optional feature so that businesses have the flexibility to choose as per their requirements. It will be helpful for newcomers who are yet to establish themselves in the online platform. Script services are now coming up with alternative ways to make marketing campaigns effective for BMM keywords and phrase matches.

Functioning of script

The script helps in automating the workaround process for PPC practitioners with a useful collection of keywords; it will improve the funneling system with the application of relevant phrases to match the negatives depending on the search term report.

How it works

The process begins with downloading the search query report, followed by finding the queries that satisfy the below-mentioned criteria

The query must include a phrase keyword or BMM from various add groups which are treated as a substring. This process is the identification of the string and its source.

Typically the query is not a part of the substring or related keyboard of that group. It keeps a check on the substring from blocking advertisements that show various keywords in every ad group.

The substring keyword the substring

It is included as the phrase negative what the original ad group of the query that matches with the selection by Google. It is also available on the search term reports of the query. The method might seem complicated but in real-world conditions, it helps in screening the most appropriate keyword for the search term rather than restricting the keyboard selected by Google for having similar meaning or function words, plurals, spelling, etc.

There are a few drawbacks

  • Scripts have a retrospective approach for managing search query reports. There must be some distinguishable features that can be recognized before the script hits it out. These close variants will continue to affect advertisements until it is done.
  • The search report data is only available the next day which means that the user will always be a day behind Google’s version of close words.
  • When working with large accounts group timing can get affected because it can only handle for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to run the script in small subsections of the account with the help of filters to make maximum utilization of the impression threshold.
  • It should always be kept in mind that the script will not be able to restrict close variant matching entirely. If the keyword coverage is not adequate and there is traffic flow for a phrase word it will still find negative terms. The script is only capable of recognizing negative terms based on the matches of the existing account.
  • The script can be set up Turan as many times as the user wants. It automatically sends an email to the user containing a .csv file which includes all the details of the changes made.

Setup procedure

  • From the desired account select Tools and Settings and click on bulk actions. Next click on the script on the top bar. For creating a new script click on the blue plus button located on the top left of the page.
  • In the next step, the user will have to paste the code into the input box as will be necessary. The code is necessary for the identification of substrings that need to be excluded from the page.
  • When the code is set for true the script will automatically include matching negatives in the account. If the result is false the user will receive an email.
  • The emails can be shared with multiple users by including their email addresses separated by a comma.
  • Keywords that have received a good number of impressions only compared to make the process faster. After the input change, the script is saved by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page. The newly created script available here that is used for setting the frequency.




Work experience of more than 5 years in the corporate world and worked for Audi and Google in the past. Entrepreneur at: