Autonomic Joins Ford to Build the Future of Transportation

Sunny Madra
2 min readJan 25, 2018


Over the last year and a half, Autonomic has been working closely with Ford Motor Company to develop an open cloud-based platform that will provide the necessary building blocks for smart mobility businesses. The result is the Transportation Mobility Cloud, a platform which connects vehicles, people and cities. Ford has chosen this platform to power their commitment of 100% vehicle connectivity. By 2019, the Transportation Mobility Cloud will be the largest connected vehicle cloud globally.

Today, we signed an agreement to become a fully owned subsidiary of Ford, bringing us a step closer toward our collective goals. This arrangement keeps Autonomic as a separate business entity operating under Ford, providing Autonomic both the stability and flexibility to continue its growth. Staying true to its transportation pioneering roots, Ford remains steadfast in supporting our vision of building an open platform for transportation providers and cities around the world. We are excited about the path ahead, and look forward to working with current and future business partners, including other automakers.

While we have many more milestones ahead of us, we would first like to take a moment to thank the community that helped get us here. From our own families to that of Ford’s, to our investors, partners, advisors, customers and users, our sincere gratitude to everyone who has been with us through this journey. The last 18 months have been both remarkable and incredibly humbling, and have only made possible through the immeasurable support of others. On behalf of my co-founders Amar Varma, Caleb Welton, Ben Black, Nithin Rao, Gavin Sherry, and the rest of the Autonomic team, I am sincerely grateful.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite the entire transportation community to join us in shaping the Transportation Mobility Cloud. We want to work with transportation stakeholders of all kinds — automakers, large-scale fleet operators, public transit operators and communities everywhere — to develop the mobility platform for the cities of tomorrow. Whether it’s to route self-driving cars, manage large-scale fleets or help residents plan transit journeys, join us as we continue to build the platform that will achieve mobility’s full potential for millions of people in cities around the world.

