Call for Feedback! Draft of Goal-Metrics for Diversity & Inclusion in Open Source (CHAOSS)

Emma Irwin
2 min readJun 15, 2018


open source stars — CC BY-SA 2.0

In the last few months, Mozilla has invested in collaboration with other open source project leaders and academics who care about improving diversity & inclusion in Open Source through the CHAOSS D&I working group. Contributors so far include:

Alexander Serebrenik (Eindhoven University of Technology) , Akshita Gupta (Outreachy), Amy Marrich (OpenStack), Anita Sarma (Oregon State University), Bhagashree Uday (Fedora), Daniel Izquierdo (Bitergia), Emma Irwin (Mozilla), Georg Link (University of Nebraska at Omaha), Gina Helfrich (NumFOCUS), Nicole Huesman (Intel) and Sean Goggins ((University of Missouri).

Our goals are to first establish a set of peer-validated goal-metrics, for understanding diversity & inclusion in FOSS ; Second, to identify technology, and research methodologies for understanding the success of our interventions in ways that keep ethics of privacy, and consent at center. And finally, that we document this work in ways that communities can reproduce the report for themselves.

For Mozilla this follows the recommendations coming out of our D&I research to create Metrics that Matter, and to work across Open Source with others projects trying to solve the same problems. I am very excited to share our first draft of goal-metrics for your feedback.

D&I Working Group — Initial set of Goal — Metrics







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Please note that we know these are incomplete, we know there are likely existing resources that can improve, or even disprove some of these — and that is the point of this blog post! Please review and provide feedback either — via a Github issue, pull request, or by reaching out to someone in the working group, or by joining our working group call (next one July 20th, 9am PST) — which you can find the video link here.

You can find one or more of us at the following events as well:



Emma Irwin

Open Source Programs Office, Microsoft. Previously @Mozilla, @Benetech