Diversity & Inclusion for Participation — “A Plan for Strategy”

Emma Irwin
3 min readNov 12, 2016


In the most recent Heartbeat, I consulted with Mozilla’s Diversity & Inclusion lead Larissa Shapiro, and others championing the discussion , about a strategy for D&I in Participation. I’m really excited and passionate about this work, and even though this is very, very early (this is only a plan for a strategy), I wanted to share now for the opportunity of gathering the most feedback.

Note: I’m using screenshots from a presentation, but have included the actual text in image alt-tags for accessibility.

Right now the proposed ‘Plan for a Strategy’ has three phases:

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Designing a strategy for D&I will have some unique challenges. We know this. To get started we need to understand where we are now, who we are, why we are as we are — and what attitudes and practices exist that enhance, or restrict our ability to effectively bring in, and sustain the participation of diverse groups.

The first phase is all about gaining insights into these and other important questions through focus groups, interviews and — and existing data.

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Insight gathering and research will be focused in these key areas:

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By Phase 2 — we’ll have formed a number of important hypothesis for influencing D&I in investment areas aligned with Mozilla’s overall D&I strategy. Investment areas are currently proposed to be:

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Experimentation is critical to developing a D&I Strategy for Participation. And although it’s identified here as a single ‘phase’, I envision experimentation, learning and iterating on what we learn — to be THE process of building a diverse and inclusive Participation at Mozilla.

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Here’s the current timeline:

  1. Feedback on this plan — Ongoing, but especially useful leading up to December 5th
  2. Phase 1 — Gaining Insights. Begins the week of November 14th leading into the Mozilla All Hands meeting in December.
  3. Phase 2Early Experiment Design -Mozilla All Hands Meeting in December.
  4. Phase 2 — Experiment Design & Implementation — Remainder of of 2016 into 2017.
  5. Phase 3 — Strategy Development — 2017.

I would love to hear your ideas, concerns, feedback on this ‘proposal’ which WILL itself evolve.

Originally published at Emma Irwin .



Emma Irwin

Open Source Programs Office, Microsoft. Previously @Mozilla, @Benetech