(New) Diversity & Inclusion In Open Source — Community Call!

Emma Irwin
2 min readFeb 5, 2018


D&I in Open Source Survey — Answers to “What project do you contribute to?”

Here is our agenda, you can also add your own topics (where time allows). There are a few ways you can join (and to catch-up afterwards if you were not able to attend).

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Last year, after three months of qualitative and quantitative research, we published a series of recommendations for D&I in open source. Since this time, we’ve been busy implementing many of those in our work — like these new principles for inclusive volunteer leadership , processes for effectively responding to Community Participation Guideline Reports and investment in Metrics that Matter for D&I in Open Source. To name only a few.

Let’s Work Together!

One thing we heard over, and over again in our research was the belief that to move the needle on diversity in open source — and tech overall, we must move to be more intentional in our collaboration across projects and communities.

To explore this concept, I’ll be sharing the insights from our recent D&I in FOSS survey in the launch of our first D&I in Open Source Community Call! February 28th 9AM PST (your time)

With over 200 projects represented, we learned a lot… not only from responses, but from the challenge of creating an inclusive survey — with privacy, respect and safety of people at center.

Please join this first call to help shape what comes next. What are you working on, what do you need help with? What speakers would you like to see invited?

Feel free to reach out directly to Emma with questions (eirwin @ mozilla dot com)

Originally published at Emma Irwin .



Emma Irwin

Open Source Programs Office, Microsoft. Previously @Mozilla, @Benetech