Blu3 DAO x ETH Rio — Life-Changing Conference

Sunny Satva
3 min readMar 28, 2022


When I met the sisters Amy Soon and Novell Loh at the Ethereum Denver conference in 2022, I was blown away by their mission. They founded the Blu3 DAO — a Decentralized Autonomous Organization — to onboard womxn, including trans and non-binary womxn, into the web3 space to build wealth and community.

The Blu3 DAO mission is supported by Harmony Protocol. I’m incredibly grateful for the support of both organizations.

Amy Soon (left) and Novell Loh (right), founders of Blu3 DAO, with Sunny Satva (middle)

I applied with a video application to go to Rio with Blu3 DAO, which provided scholarships for 40 womxn and male allies to travel to Rio and created incredible opportunities. The selection process was very intense, with over 120 people applying for 40 spots, and I felt blessed to receive the opportunity to travel to beautiful Brazil. I speak Portuguese and was able to contribute by helping translate for the Blu3 DAO community and supporting event planning to bring the 40 scholars together.

When I arrived in Rio, we had icebreaker events for scholars all over the world to share their stories and goals for the conference. Womxn and allies from over 15 countries came together in Rio to build our Blu3 community. We also reached out in the local communities to womxn who are new to crypto to help onboard them.

Harmony Protocol x Blu3 DAO Launch Party at Ethereum Rio

The conference itself was 10 days long, hosted at the beautiful Museu do Amanhã, or Museum of Tomorrow. There were amazing workshops about NFTs, DAOs, Solidity development, Liquidity Pools, and speakers from some of the top crypto companies. The motto of Blu3 DAO is “Learn, Earn, Play” and there was an amazing balance of new information, funding opportunities, and incredible memories made.

Presenting with Marcelo Silva (left) about Black Leaders DAO and Liquidity Workshops with Blu3 DAO

The last days of the conference were high-energy andexciting. I worked with a team that connected thanks to Blu3 DAO to enter the Ethereum Rio hackathon. We launched the Black Leaders DAO and our social token $BLK.

Our team won the social impact track of the hackathon, leading to a cash prize. We also secured a Project Y Grant from the Harmony Protocol to launch the Black Leaders DAO as well as Cryptolingo, supporting web3 onboarding through a learn-to-earn model.

Founding members of the Black Leaders DAO at the Ethereum Rio hackathon

For the past year, I’ve been working with the Vegan Africa Fund to provide equitable solutions for high-growth-potential African-owned “green chip” companies. During the Ethereum Rio conference, I launched my second NFT collection on MadNFTs to support the VAF mission.

I’m so excited about the newest NFT drop, all of the impactful DAOs that I’m helping to build, and the future of web3. I believe that thanks to Blu3 DAO as well as my work, we are creating a more equitable and compassionate future. I’m incredibly grateful for this experience, and can’t wait for the next conference!

Astral Giraffes: Dragon Collection Launched on MadNFTs at Ethereum Rio



Sunny Satva

ReFist vegan advancing sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion in web3 and across Africa.