Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa Review | Best Linux Distro of 2020

Sunny sharma
2 min readMay 10, 2020


The Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa is the newest version in the LTS line up of Ubuntu. It has captured the attention of millions around the world mainly because we are seeing a number of big changes this time. I was pleasantly surprised when I installed the new Ubuntu. While LTS release has always been very conservative in terms of changes. The brand new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is a bold evolution with strong design alterations and superb performance improvements. In this article, I’ll be talking to you on a walkthrough of the new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa Review. We, Will, be having a look at the refreshed desktop, What’s new here the stability and I’d also talk about the tremendous improvements in speed and performance. That we see in the new Ubuntu.

The refresh User Interface Of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa.

Let’s Explore the new user interface. This is where we are seeing many improvements the first thing you notice is the new wallpaper. The new Ubuntu 20.04 code name is Focal Fossa. For those of you who didn’t know, Fossa is a cat-like animal closely related to the mongoose family. It is found in Madagascar. In the last LTS version, That is Ubuntu 18.04 orange was the primary accent color and so it has been since many versions before it. But here, We see a shift to purple color with hints of orange in it. This gradient style coloring is not just limited to the desktop background but it’s everywhere.

You can see this gradient feel in icons which took gorgeous by the way. The desktop looking so termendus here. The themes, the icons of the desktop elements are also gorgeous and the style is contemporary to 2020. Ubuntu long term suppoet(LTS) versions are generally very conservative as far as changes go. They look the same as the last LTS. But here we’re seeing many changes, both visually and under the hood. So that makes this particular version quite important. We also get a fully functional dark mode here. In settings. we get to choose between 3 variants off the same yaru theme. I persamlly like the standard and dark themes. This is really great as users can now switch to dark mode very conveniently. We see subtle changes everywhere.

The New Look Of Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa.

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Sunny sharma

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