SwiftyUserDefaults 4.0 — more powerful than everI’m really happy to say that SwiftyUserDefaults version 4 was finally released at the end of last week. See all the new features it learned!May 1, 20191May 1, 20191
Published incodeburstMVVM — MVC done right.Architecture in iOS became a quite popular topic. Personally, I love it. But let’s stop for a minute and think out loud about MVC vs MVVM.Jan 16, 20183Jan 16, 20183
Testing & Development in Swift Package Manager v4Lately, we started a new project for Moya organization, Harvey. The main goal of this project is to be fully compatible with Swift 4 & SPM…Oct 22, 2017Oct 22, 2017
Swift talks: What do you really know about typealias and associatedtype?Note: This post was written way back when Swift 2.2 was a thing. If you are still reading this one, please keep in mind that this is some…Mar 28, 20163Mar 28, 20163