2 min readMay 14, 2016


A kilo of sugar, a kilo of spice. Equal in weight-yes. Not equal in content or consumption. That is the nature of sugar and spice. Statistics. Numbers are a game that lend us a crutch to expertise. Zero sum game. The battle of the sexes (all of them) will NEVER cease. To become enraged and belligerent and quote “reported” numbers is a shallow interpretation of what is at stake for the human race. Who makes up those numbers? Why?

Men and Women must all want the same things. Everyone wants validation, everyone wants to be heard and everyone has HUMAN RIGHTS no matter what’s between your legs.

I accept where you are coming from. Many of our sisters WILL NOT. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because from the rant and rave of noise and belligerence WITHOUT ACTION, there will finally be ACTION that is worth pursuing. In the meantime, the show must go on.

If I am shot down, bloodied and bludgeoned for standing the sacred ground for humanity- SO BE IT.

Sisters, brothers even, bring your teeth and claws, and while you tear the flesh from my face- explain to me your EQUALITY. Shall I then be silenced in your wisdom? Perhaps you will silence me before your wisdom is heard.


