The Dance of Life Home

5 min readMay 6, 2016


“People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get ahead in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” ~George Bernard Shaw~


I lost my mind and wrote. It is not grammatically eloquent. Nor does it flow as a story might. It does not need to, as the whisperings from within do not come in any known tongue. I do not know if these whisperings will be of any use or value to you. They are of value to me, and expose what might be worth reflecting upon.

Entrapment and imprisonment is the making of the mind. It is ones mind that is trapped in an intricate web spun from circumstance, environment, and happenstance.

The very words entrapment, and imprisonment, themselves, in any language provoke our senses to feel a range of emotion from discomfort to pure terror.

When your insides feel like they are being torn out of you, it is the waging war between the Spirit and the mind.

The FEELINGS spawned from the conflict generate an energy so profound, and so unknown (in the wake of millions of interfering thoughts), that the impulse to “run” for dear Life, for the preservation of the Self, to leave everything that is Loved and unloved, that is Real and not real, becomes the only impulse you WANT to act on.

It is the impulse that you believe will herald in freedom. So you run, and where you arrive, is a place where you do not belong.

It is not your place, it is the place your mind ran you to. It does not exist, except in your mind.

Hardwired, the mind is a robotic device that needs to be controlled. It is not to be in control.


All you have to lose is your mind, and that is something that must happen, if one is to RETURN to their SENSES. Our Senses have been hostages to the Robot.

The mind is wicked, left to its own devices. It ridicules instinct and intuition and operates on external information and situations. It is the CAUSE of the physical and emotional pain that you feel.

You are burdened and weighted down, every moment of everyday, and your mind plays you, taunts you, ruins you. Traps you with it.

It rules by fear and guilt, a barking dictator, issuing threats, warrants and torment at every impulse it receives from outside itself.

A smoke screen. Empty threats, torment invited, false warrants.

GUILT. For what?


It is no crime to feel or express anger, disappointment, pain, love, hate, glee, sadness, joy, happiness, laughter, tears; And all the hundreds of other nuances of those feelings.

To be where the heart wishes is not a crime, yet we believe that doing such things for one’s own heart (spirit) is self-centered, and worse, that we have no choice but to ignore the heart and its “craziness”.

The mind can go crazy, the heart just IS. No one has a crazy heart.

To be out of one’s mind, is the only place to be.

Everyone I know does too many things that make NO sense to the heart, and early on in life, even, make no sense to the mind.

When we are very young our senses are connected to our minds, our senses are in control. We are happier when we are young.

As we grow, when we question such senselessness, an edict thrashed into us barks “life is not a bed of roses, so put up and shut up”.

That’s exactly what most people do; To our detriment, to our children’s detriment, to the detriment of the whole universe.

We put up and we shut up and we do it well until we die, or until we Die and run for dear Life.

It is no crime to want a nourished and well-fed Spirit. It is no crime to question senselessness of mind and spirit, yet, we do not stand up for our Spirit. EVER. NOR do we CALL-OUT the dictator or the dictators of others.

We are programmed, to set ourselves up to operate from the mind, motivated by guilt and fear, with nothing else to balance or stand upon.

Needing some sort of balance we “find” and actually use love, the scapegoat.

Love locked and loaded, the guilt and fear are allowed to remain, in fact welcomed to remain, because “love” will provide the balance.

From here, our life continues we keep seeking more of the same. THINKING, thinking, ThinKing- it has to end at some point.

It doesn’t. The mind is a THIN KING.

Finally, the mind along with guilt and fear takes over and destroys who we really are.

With love, without love it doesn’t matter. In this circumstance love AND joy are no LONGER welcomed; When did love and joy ever pay the rent we ask. The answer is they never did, neither did the mind, nor, for that matter any other organ or emotion.

The “rent” has to be paid. It is not out of love or hate that it gets paid. The INSTINCT to survive, is the reason it gets paid, or does not.


Collectively the Spirit, is what makes a solid, direct and undistracted, un-interrupted current to the mind.


You will discover a place that you never imagined existed.

It is a thing, a place, a feeling, a being, that every Spirit wants, but is afraid to plug into. Afraid because it is uncharted to the mind, and the mind is in control, the self, has been neglected, leaving the mind-self to reign.

You know what it really means when you are not yourself? It means you are only your mind-self. Don’t speak your mind, it is mal-informed, and like an unscrupulous and bloodthirsty spin-doctor will deceive you, hook you.

Mind Addict, Robot.

You live only to feed the addiction.

Turn to your senses, there where the mind has no place to dictate what is felt.

Connect with your Mind from your senses.

It is where FEELING and ACTION Speaks, flows from your Being without effort, without thought, without guilt, without force, without barriers of time or “knowledge”.


Only Your Spirit, NOT your mind can tell You when your feet are HOME.

Here is my Head,

Here are my Feet.

Connected from head to toe, let’s GO HOME.

GO HOME, we must.

Without compromise, without sacrifice.

The distance HOME is not far, lose your mind, engage your heart, and then, it’s only as far as you can stretch out one of your arms, wrap it around yourself and hold tight your Precious SELF. Leave one arm free for those who will need it as we dance our way Home.

