5+ Best CPA Networks For Affiliates/Publishers 2020 (Highest Paying)

Andrew Michael
6 min readAug 20, 2020


What are CPA Networks?

When we talk about displaying ads on a website, there are different type of ads that you can display. We have what’s called display ads which are the most common banners you usually see on the site’s header, sidebar or even within the content.

We also have popups, pop-under and some mobile-optimized ads such as interstitial or drag-down ads.

The terms CPM, CPC, and CPA make reference to the most common types, but in this case, they are being classified based on the way in which the advertisers pay the publishers who post the ads in their site.

CPC or cost per click:

CPC ad networks are entirely based on the number of clicks that you receive on each ad unit that you place on your site, and the average cost per click (CPC) can fluctuate depending on the country or the content of your site.

For these particular type of ads, the advertisers pay an amount ranging from a few cents to a few dollars only when the users click on the ads. No clicks, no payment, no money for you.

CPA or cost per action:

CPA ads go beyond a simple click, it also requires a certain action to be completed by the user when they arrive at the advertiser’s page, either subscribing to a list, downloading a software, purchasing a product, etc. …

In this particular model, the advertiser only pays when the action takes place and usually CPA networks pay better than just several tens of dollars.

CPA ads are mostly used in affiliate marketing.

CPM or Cost per Mile:

CPM ad networks basically work based on every one thousand impressions of an advertisement. They usually have an average cost per 1000 impressions based on the country, this is known as the eCPM.

For example, if an advertiser pays you $10 per every 1.000 impressions and that ad is displayed on your site 100.000 times, you’ll be earning $1.000.

That’s not very complicated, right? 😉

Now, let’s talk about the actual reason why you’re reading this article today. You want to know what are the best CPA networks to make money in this 2020.

Just before we get started. We’re going to talk about the top 5 best CPA networks based publisher’s reviews, but the specific order in which actually mention any of these networks doesn’t mean anything in particular as to which one is best.

These are the Top 5 Best CPA Networks (Based on Publisher’s review):


This CPA network has been on the market since 2004. They have actually survived the test of time to become now one of the best-reputed companies in the industry.

MaxBounty is known as one of the most popular CPA Affiliate Network in the industry, they have an amazing dashboard and offer highly converting offers with great landing pages.

One of the things you can expect from this company is some of the highest paying affiliate programs. They also offer great support to their affiliate partners with their team of affiliate managers.

  • Minimum payment threshold: $50
  • Payments are made on a Net-15 basis, every week.
  • Payment options: Check, PayPal, Wire transfer, Payoneer, ACH (Direct Deposit).


Clickbooth is one of the most popular and fastest growing CPA Network. This company was founded in 2002 and it’s also known as one of the oldest companies in the CPA industry.

In my personal opinion, this is one of the most reputed CPA Affiliate Networks in the market.

This network provides a whole range of products and services. They have many advertisers in different categories. Clickbooth pays around almost $ 100M a year to their affiliates.

Clickbooth is actually one of the most popular CPA Affiliate Network among affiliate marketers.

  • Minimum payment threshold: $50
  • Payments are made on a Net-15 basis, every week.
  • Payment options: Check, PayPal, Wire transfer, ACH (Direct Deposit)

The one thing I don’t like about Clickbooth is that they make it very difficult when it comes to approving new sites, but it’s still a great CPA network to work with.


CrakRevenue is mostly CPA Affiliate Network to monetize adult content, they also have different offers to monetize other types of content, and their offers have some of the highest rates in the market.

Their offers have been already tested and optimized for conversions. CrackRevenue is definitely one of the best CPA networks in the world, they provide premium offers in several markets such as Dating, VOD, Webcams, etc.

You can expect some of the best payouts in the industry. They also provide publishers with advanced tools to check stats about your traffic and conversions.

They also offer geo-targeting in order to allow you to get the best converting offers available from each region. Its exclusive Geo-Matic ad tool automatically displays the best offers based on the geo-location and market of your visitors.

  • Minimum payment threshold is $100
  • Payments are made on a Net-30 basis.
  • Available payment options are only Paxum and Wire deposit.

4.Ambalaya Affiliate

Ambalaya Affiliate is a very popular CPA network. They offer great support from their team of affiliate managers, as well as many different offers with great payouts.

This one is a comparatively new network, but it has been growing very fast, that’s why I consider it one of the best CPA networks in the world at the present time.

This network is very active in the affiliate events that are taking place around the world. You can also expect to receive your payments on time when working with them.

  • Minimum payment threshold: $50
  • Payments are made every week.
  • Payment options: Wire transfer, Payoneer, PayPal.

5.Toro Advertising

TORO Advertising is a young Affiliate Network with around 8 years in the market. Despite being so young, they have an exceptional knowledge of the industry and the necessary experience to help publishers generate income, while maximizing exposure and sales for advertisers

They offer a wide range of high converting campaigns to publihers and performance networks. Publishers can also increase their earnings by referring others to this network. The referral commission is 5%, it may even increase depending on your performance.

Toro advertising works with publishers and advertisers in over 90 countries, with campaigns including mobile, surveys, education, business opportunities, dating and much more.

  • Minimum payment threshold: $200
  • Payments are made weekly using the Net-7, and Net-20 systems
  • Payment Methods include Wire Transfer, Payoneer, Paypal, and Bitcoins.

Final Words:

The networks that are listed above are the top CPA Networks that you can join in 2020. If you want to increase your website revenue, then you should join CPA Networks today and start making more money by promoting the right offers.



Andrew Michael

Andrew Michael is motivated entrepreneur , He quickly grew from a 9–5 waiter to founding multiple 7 figure businesses within a few short years.